  • 學位論文


From Archaeological Sites to World Heritage: Multiple Interpretations and Representations of “Jomon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaido and Northern Tohoku”

指導教授 : 劉堉珊


本論文聚焦「北海道・北東北の縄文遺跡群」在2018至2019年間競逐日本國內世界遺產推薦的過程,試圖從北海道與北東北兩個地區在日本近代國家歷史發展中的邊境位置,理解繩文(Jomon)文化在地方與國家眼中的意義、發展脈絡與論述意涵,希望跳脫過往以日本為中心的觀點,重新理解繩文概念在當代日本社會的再現過程,論文並指出,這是繩文與今日社會不同人群緊密交織、持續互動的結果展現。「繩文」是Edward S. Morse於1877年發現大森貝塚後,在進行了日本首次考古發掘調查後,以出土陶器上所施作的繩紋模樣(cord-marked)所命名的。關於「繩文文化/時代」的解釋與概念,自明治時期以後逐漸發展成形;90年代,青森縣三內丸山遺址的發掘,大幅增加了日本社會對繩文的認識,也帶起了一股繩文熱潮,並進一步深化繩文與日本文化密切相關性的論述。繩文在二十一世紀持續受到關注,也逐步擴展連結著當代日本社會多樣的現象與行動,「北海道・北東北の縄文遺跡群」競逐日本世界遺產推薦的過程即是一個例子。本論文嘗試指出,「繩文遺跡群」看似是在日本繩文以及申遺運動的熱潮中,對世界遺產光環的競逐,並藉此深化繩文作為日本文化代表的意義,然而,「繩文遺跡群」的成形與概念論述,事實上是建基在日本列島自史前的區域交流與當代地方跨域合作的發展政策上,展現出地方透過繩文及其遺產化的過程,對自身在國家敘事中的位置再建構的積極性。也因此,繩文的概念與意義,在走向世界遺產的過程中,雖然看似被各方用來回應各自的需求與目的,但其所發展出的多種詮釋角度與意涵,但卻也成為連結過去與今日社會脈動的重要樞紐。


遺址 文化遺產 繩文文化 北海道 邊境


This research focuses on the process of the "Jōmon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaidō and Northern Tōhoku" competing for the recommendation of World Heritage Sites in Japan from 2018 to 2019. Taking the heritageization process of the Jōmon archaeological sites in Hokkaidō and Northern Tōhoku as an example, this thesis aims to understand the meanings of Jomon culture in multiple contexts, including the local, the national, and the academia. “Jōmon” was named after Prof. Edward S. Morse discovered the Shell Mounds of Omori in Japan in 1877. It is featured by cord-marked patterns in the pottery. Since the Meiji period, the interpretations of “Jōmon Culture/Period” is gradually constructed. The excavation of the Sannai-Maruyama Site in the Aomori Prefecture in the 90s had made more people in Japan know about Jōmon culture. This not only brought a fervor for Jōmon but also reinforced the narrative which claims the Jōmon may be the origin of Japanese culture today. In the twentieth century, Jōmon continues to receive awareness in Japan society, thus creating various phenomena and actions related to the development or promotion of the Jōmon culture. The formation of the heritage - “Jōmon Archaeological Sites in Hokkaidō and Northern Tōhoku” and its competing for the UNESCO World Heritage List is an example. By escaping the often Japanese-centered viewpoint, this thesis argues that the reconstruction of Jōmon in contemporary Japan is a result of the constant compact interactions between ‘Jōmon’ and the people, between the local and the national power, between memories in the past and the needs of the present, and between the general public and the academia.


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