  • 學位論文


The Network Governance In Local Sustainable Development : A Case Study of Shini-Yi township, Nan-Tou county

指導教授 : 林吉郎


近來公共行政理論與實務界最熱門的課題之一,就是公共網絡。伴隨著傳統官僚體制特性減弱、分割與變動的趨勢,公共網絡相對發揮在決策與服務傳輸上的重要性。公私協力的網絡治理超越夥伴概念,目前被視為最適宜處理複雜的社會與政治問題,因為網絡治理可以整合公私部門的力量,強化權益關係人夥伴關係,以協助永續發展工作的推動。 本研究嘗試以南投縣信義鄉所做的個案分析,係以永續發展為主軸,針對涉入社區發展的權益關係人,如政府機關人員、第三部門的農會、社區發展協會與重要非營利組織及在地居民等進行深入訪談,以釐清其在地方永續發展上,所扮演的角色與其網絡互動關係。透過相關文獻探討與分析後,粗略勾勒出南投縣信義鄉的發展經驗,並進而剖析其蘊含的啟發意義與邁向永續發展之路的調適途徑。本文研究發現: 一、信義鄉在產業發展方面,由於鄉公所、鄉民代表會與農會間的和諧,避免地方派系尖銳對立,農會得以在總幹事開明的領導作風下,善用地方產業資源與創意行銷,開發梅子與各種酒類,不僅創造可觀利潤,也為地方產業注入活力與發展機會。 二、信義鄉多數社區發展協會與社區型非營利組織間協力從事社區營造,意即適切扮演平台、窗口與介面角色,從而有效整合各種資源,讓社區具備自主承載能力,而裨益地方發展。 三、信義鄉以生態為議題的非營利組織既能結合社區,或是善用學校資源,落實生態教育、生態保育工作,甚至發展內容豐富的生態旅遊。 四、信義鄉的第三部門在著意於產業與生態的同時,對於社會關懷也能落實。


Nowadays, the public administration has become one of the most popular subjects both in theory and in proactive. In contrast with the bureaucratism, the network of management appears its significances in policy and transmission. The concept of the network of man-agement into partnership is currently supposed to be the most considerable deal with the affairs in society and politics. As a result, the network of management enables to inte-grate all the co-operative relationships and governmental departments in order to pursue any further and continuing development. The aim of this essay is to intend the analysis based on a proposal in Shin-Yi township for the enduring development. The given sample in this essay gives detailed information as follows: I. The local industry in Shin-Yi township: due to the harmonic cooperation within the farmers’ associations, the local government and the community representatives, this successfully promotes the local industry in creation such as the exploiture of plums combined with alcohols that is not producing expectable benefits, but also infusing energies for the local industry. II. The majority of community associated boards and charity commissioners play a role in an important role in communications. III. Any ecological charity organisations are effectively combined with the community, and these approaches apply the resources from schools to raise of ecology and, moreover, develop the theme tourism in ecology. IV. Apart from putting great emphasis on local industry and ecology, the third govern-mental department of Shin-Yi township also fulfils a promise to the whole society.


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4. 林吉郎、廖嘉展(2006)。《邁向永續社區發展的資產基礎、資源整合與願景引領:以竹山鎮大安社區為例》,「地方政府、第三部門與永續發展」學術研討會論文集。埔里:國立暨南國際大學公共行政與政策學系。


