  • 學位論文

產品設計獎項獲得之效益相關研究 -以台灣手工具企業為例

Advantages of Winning Product Design Award – A Case Study of Hand Tool Companies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 莊文彬教授


台灣政府近年大力推動企業參加國際設計獎項,大多是以電子3C產品為主,傳統產業參與設計競賽不多。 而先前研究也多數都針對電子產業來進行探討。 本研究的主旨在於探討獲得設計獎項的效益以手工具產業為例,期透過對於國際設計獎項的效益更進一步瞭解,作為國內手工具廠商經營策略上的參考。 希望達成的目的為: (1) 探索四大設計獎項對手工具企業廠商的價值。 (2) 探討設計獎項對台灣手工具企業表現之關係。 本研究以國際四大設計獎項為主要研究對象,透過文獻分析各個設計獎項、歷史、獎項效益和手工具產業概況,再訪談手工具業中代表性的企業得引述驗證。 本研究結果有以下結論:1.針對同業:產生差異化。2.針對客戶:公司有國際認同的設計能力。3.針對員工:有向心力及有榮譽感。4.針對獲獎產品:與銷售額不一定成正比。5.針對公司:在國際中知名度提升,曝光度增加提升企業形象及節省廣告費用。 最後,期盼本研究的結果可鼓勵手工具企業持續參加國際知名產品設計獎項並作為後續相關研究探討之有用參考依據。


In recent years, Taiwan government is promoting enterprises to participate in the International Design Award competition, but mostly in electronic 3C products. The traditional industries involved in the design competition are limited. Most previous studies also have for the electronics industry to explore. Discussion on the thrust of this research is that benefit of received Design Awards, for example of hand tool manufacturers, through for better understanding of the International Design awards. This research would be a reference for hand tool manufacturers in Taiwan on business strategy. Therefore, we wish to achieve the purposes of: (1) exploring the four design award rival hand tool manufacturers of enterprise value. (2) exploring the relationship between design award and performance of hand tool enterprise in Taiwan. Study on four International Design Awards is the main object of research. Through the analysis of various design awards、history、award benefit and hand tools industry overview, than representative enterprises was quoted in the hand tools industry validation. This study has the following conclusions: 1. for industry: result of the variance. 2. for customer: the company has a design capacity of international recognition. 3. for employees: having centripetal force and honor. 4. for award-winning products: sales are not necessarily so direct proportion. 5. for company: profile international promotion, aeration brightness enhance the corporate image, and saving advertisement. Finally, hopefully the results of this study would encourage hand tools companies continually participate the product design awards and related research, as a useful reference.


1. 台灣創意研究中心 (2011),,Accessed April,
2. 何漢光,2006,新產品的研發設計與創新價值研究-以台灣獲得iF獎產品為
3. 金點設計獎 (2011),,Accessed April,


