  • 學位論文


Relationships between Students’ Learning Motivation, Anxiety, Achievement and e-Learning: A Case Study of Y Cram School

指導教授 : 許文忠


數位學習科技的研究與發展成為教育環境提升與改革的重點。藉由數位化介面,結合網際網路、多媒體設備或者如雨後春筍冒出的教學平台於學習內容上,統整資訊和延展知識,提升學生學習動機與學習成效。數位學習科技運用於補習班教學環境對補習班教師與學生而言,是相當值得探討的議題。越來越完善的網路平台改變學生的學習型態亦成為一種新的獲得知識的來源。雖然多媒體教學內容豐富多元,但也有可能遇到並不適用於每個科目。 因此本研究將討論在數位學習用在國小課後教學上,對於學生的學習動機、學習焦慮及學習成效之影響。 本研究發現如下: 一、 數位教學融入社會學科有助於提升國小社會科的學習成效,大多數的學生皆表示,學習社會科目變得容易許多,不像既往的刻板印象,學習社會科或者台灣的歷史只能死背,且感到枯燥無味。 二、 數位學習融入自然科在國小領域成效顯著優於傳統講述。透過數位教學的實驗影片,有趣的科學實驗,取代傳統的課本定格畫面,使學生提高學習動機。 三、 數位學習融入文科學習有助於提升學生學習動機與學習成就,國語文範圍廣大,藝術與人文皆是學習範圍,利用網路進入故宮數位典藏系統,明顯提升學習動機;英文科方面,透過H國小設置的練功訪平台及Liveabc線上英文平台,有助於學生學習動機與學習成就。 四、 數位學習融入五、利用數位學習的方式,能降低學生學習焦慮,並促進學習意願。 六、利用數位觸控螢幕,每日登入學習吧平台、均一教學平台,計算數學,但學習成效不如紙本運算方便。 本研究以彰化縣埤頭鄉課後教學Y補習班為對象,針對不同背景變項在數位學習之學習動機、學習焦慮與學習成就的差異情形加以探討,分析研究變項之間的關係與進行假設驗證並使用多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析與處理。最後輔以質性訪談確認迴歸分析與驗證後是否達一致性,並根據研究分析結果,對Y補習班提出結論建議與改善機制。


The research and development of e-learning technology has become the focus of improving and reforming the education environment. Digital interfaces, the Internet, multimedia devices and rapidly growing teaching platforms can help students integrate information and knowledge on learning contents, and enhance their learning motivation and learning outcome. How teachers and students use e-learning technology in cram school teaching and learning environments is an issue worth exploring. The increasing sophistication of online platforms has changed student learning patterns and become a new way of acquiring knowledge, and although there are rich and diverse multimedia contents, not all may be applicable to every subject. Therefore, the study discusses the effects of e-learning on students' learning motivation, anxiety, and outcome when applied to after-school teaching in elementary schools. The study has found the following: 1. Integrating digital teaching into social studies helps to improve the learning outcome in social studies in elementary schools. The majority of students expressed that e-learning has made it easier to study social studies, unlike the conventional way of studying social studies or Taiwanese history which was boring and could only be learned by rote. 2. Integrating e-learning into natural sciences in elementary schools is significantly more effective than giving traditional lectures. Static images in traditional textbooks are replaced by videos showing interesting science experiments on e-learning platforms which can help to improve students’ learning motivation. 3. Integrating e-learning into liberal arts studies helps to improve students' learning motivation and learning achievement. As the Chinese language subject covers a wide range of studies including art and humanities, accessing the digital archive of the National Palace Museum significantly enhances learning motivation. As for the English language subject, the practice workshop platform set up by H Elementary School and the Liveabc online English platform also enhance students’ learning motivation and learning achievement. 4. In addition to the methods mentioned in point 5, integrating e-learning methods can reduce students’ learning anxiety and promote willingness to learn. 5. For math calculations, the learning outcome of using digital touch screens and logging in to the LearnMode platform and the Junyi teaching platform every day is not as effective as calculating on paper. With the after-school teaching program of Y Cram School in Pitou Township, Changhua County as the research subject, this study explores the different effects of background variables on learning motivation, learning anxiety, and learning achievement in terms of e-learning. The relationship between the variables were studied and analyzed, and hypothesis testing was carried out. A multiple regression analysis and other statistical methods were used for analysis and data processing. Finally, a qualitative interview was conducted to confirm the consistency between the regression analysis and testing. Based on the results, conclusions and recommendations were proposed for Y Cram School.


王仕祺, 王怡萱, & 楊叔卿. (2013). 行動載具之個人化學習歷程應用程式研發初探.
王文科 & 王智弘. (2014). 教育研究法. 台灣五南圖書出版股份有限公司.
