  • 學位論文


The Business Mode of Social Enterprise in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林霖


在政府大力推動下,社會企業如雨後春筍般湧現,然而當社會企業形成後,經營者如何有效管理企業營運,如何讓社會企業的產品與社會大眾消費需求相結合,如何在眾多的社會企業中尋找自己的獨特點及議題性,都成為本研究要探討的問題。 社會企業乃企業透過產出產品或服務銷售的過程及結果中投入社會責任,企業本身並非以營利為主要目的,而是在產品或服務生產過程或結果對社會產生正向助益的衍生效果。本研究運用PEST分析法,透過外在環境的四大因素,來探討台灣社會企業在政治(Political)、經濟(Economic)、社會(Social)和技術(Technological)的外部環境所受到的影響;運用「SWOT」分析法,透過企業本身的優勢(Strengths)、劣勢(Weaknesses)、機會(Opportunities)和威脅(Threats)來評估台灣社會企業本身的狀況,藉以擬定規劃出能夠提升企業競爭力的策略與方針;運用商業模式九宮格分析法,透過目標客層、價值主張、客戶關係與通路策略得出營收來源,再透過關鍵資源、關鍵生產活動與關鍵夥伴,算出成本結構,分析出企業的獲利模式。本研究運用上述方法,深入採訪九天民俗技藝團、熊肯作社會企業有限公司和文湯股份有限公司等三家社會企業,透過既有社會企業不同的經營形態及成功經驗,分析得出社會企業應具備:(1)核心價值明確且被社會了解;(2)塑立品牌形象;(3)須有發揮的平台;(4)良好的監督機制;(5)經營管理能力;(6)完整的財務管理能力。


Various social enterprises wereestablished in Taiwan with the promotion of government and the change of social circumstance in past decade. Social enterprises must not only connect the products to people needs, but improve nature or social environment. In addition, how to establish the main value and distinction to various enterprises is the main issue of enterprise development. Increasing of profit is not main propose of social enterprises. Social enterprises embrace corporation social responsibility and provide benefit of community in the production of products or services. In this paper, PSET analyze was adapted to analysis effects of exterior circumstance. PSET applies four types of factor that including political, economic, social and technological types. And SWOT analyze was applied to assess the situation of social enterprise in Taiwan that rely on analyzing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats elements of the enterprise development. SWOT analyze helps us to develop the strategy and policy to promote the competition of enterprise. Furthermore, Business Model Canvas was used to analyze the profit model of enterprise in this paper. Business Model Canvas integrates Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships and Channels to generalize the Revenue Streams, and through Key Resources, Key Activities and Key partnerships to sum up the Cost Structure. This paper interviewed three famous social enterprises: CHIO-TIAN Folk Drums & Arts Troupe, Xiong Ken Zuo and Tea-Talk, and using PSET, SWOT and Business Model Canvas to analyze the business model and success experience of the enterprises. By summarizing the results of analysis, successful social enterprise must have characteristics as follows: (1) Clear core value that accepted by society, (2) Positive brand image, (3) Proper platform to perform, (4) Robust supervision system, (5) Well execution management. (6) Well financial management.


