  • 學位論文


Operational Innovation and Competitive Strategies of Pre-schools for the Coming of Low Birth Rate in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林霖


近年來台灣地區因生育率降低,面對少子化效應與幼托合一政策,直接波及整體教育產業,其中又以幼兒教育首當其衝,基於「不創新,即滅亡」的警語(吳思華,2005)如何在變動快速的環境中,領先對手,只有突破舊有的經營模式,開創新格局取得生存的競爭優勢,才能達到永續經營的目標。 本研究依據國內外「文獻分析」來做為幼兒園創新經營之立論為基礎,探討幼兒園面臨少子化未來的創新經營方向,研擬可行的策略,除了重新檢視其競爭優勢,方能確保市場競爭力外,「實地參訪」四間幼兒園、與園長進行「深度訪談」與「參與觀察」,做為資料蒐集來源,探討幼兒園創新經營因應對策,藉以提升優勢競爭力。 以幼兒園總體環境分析及個案研究之結果,在結合SWOT及五力競爭理論剖析幼兒產業(幼兒園內外環境優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅);PEST環境變異分析作為討論之基礎,提出少子化趨勢下幼兒園競爭優勢創新經營的方式,期望能將研究成果提供幼兒園創新經營實務策略之參考。 瑞士洛桑國際管理學院世界競爭力報告(IMD)指出:〝台灣是具強力的創新者〞,(2014年IMD世界競爭力年報)艾倫.凱(Alan kay)也說:The best way to predict the future is to invent it.(預測未來的最好方法,就是創造未來)。可以預見的,在少子化趨勢的競爭與威脅之下,掌握創新的活水源頭,就能比競爭對手創造更多的優勢競爭力。


During the past few years, educational industry in Taiwan has been facing impacts caused by low birth rate, the trend of fewer children and the policy of integrated early education and care, among which early childhood educational institutes have been suffering the most. How to cope with rapidly changing environment and to take the lead? Only by making a change in out-of-date business model and by breaking new ground to gain essentially competitive advantages can an early childhood educational institute operator achieve the goal of sustainable operation. This study, based on documentary analysis, is to re-examine kindergartens’ competitive advantages and to plan out feasible strategies for kindergartens toward the future directions of innovation management. Data in this study was also gathered by paying visits to four kindergartens, having in-depth interviews with their principals and conducting participant observation for the purpose of exploring solutions to kindergartens’ innovation management and to improve kindergartens’ competitive strength. Case studies, macro environment analysis of kindergartens, SWOT analysis, Michael Porter’s Five Forces analysis and PEST analysis were applied to this research, which would be proposed to kindergartens for the research results and approaches to School Innovation Management under the trend of fewer children as reference material for their operations practice. IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook indicates that Taiwan is a competent innovator. Furthermore, Alan Kay once said, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” It is believed that under competition and threats followed by the trend of fewer children, to be master of innovation sources will gain more competitive advantages.


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