  • 學位論文


The Research on the Factors that Influence Vietnamese Female New Immigrants’ Voting Behavior

指導教授 : 龔宜君




越南 新移民 選舉意向


Since the late 1990s, there has been an increase in transnational marriage in Taiwan. Because of that, a significant number of women from Southeast Asia and Mainland China have immigrated as spouses of Taiwanese men. These female immigrants, known as “new immigrants”, make up another special group among the popularity in Taiwan. Through years of application procedures for naturalization, they become Taiwanese citizens eventually and they share the same civil rights like all the other citizens in Taiwan. Before the new immigrants migrated to Taiwan, they went through educational environment and socialization experience which were different from those in Taiwan. After settling down in Taiwan, their integration into Taiwan society will be effected by their family life, socioeconomic status and so on. Voting is the most common expression of political participation for the majority of Taiwanese. The total number of new immigrants in Taiwan is currently more than 500,000, which is much larger than the amount of all the aboriginals. Therefore, the political inclination of the new immigrants is gradually concerned. The largest group of the new immigrants are from the Mainland China. The new immigrants from Mainland China takes the majority of the total new immigrants, and the Vietnamese new immigrant population is the second largest. In this research, the Vietnamese new immigrants at the Xinzhuang and Taishan Dists, New Taipei City, were chosen to be investigated to determine their political socialization experience and actual political participation condition and analyze the factors which influence their voting behavior.


Vietnam New Immigrant Voting Behavior


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