  • 學位論文


Mapping TELDAP Contents to Grades 1-9 Curriculum Directory Based on Web Information Extraction and Fusion

指導教授 : 林宣華


九年一貫課程為我國目前由國小一年級到國中九年具體實施的課程,教師也因此被賦予應用現行之資訊科技,製作創新性的教學內容的任務。因應數位教學資源的蓬勃發展與國際接軌,我國建置了大量的教學資源也制定了數位教學資源的相關標準。而數位典藏與學習的國家型計畫建置出的內容也希望老師能應用於教學之中,但目前缺乏能整合上述各方不同領域資源的具體方案。本研究透過Web 資訊擷取和知識本體融合方法,整合數位教學資源領域內容和知識相關網站,建置基於九年一貫課程架構的內容擷取與融合平台,平台基於數位內容的學習物件後設資料標準為基礎,輔以專家智慧,產生基於一綱融合多本教科書的知識目錄架構。進而能將數位典藏與學習的內容分類或提供介面方便教師組織成適合的補充教材。透過學校標準作業流程,提供適當的操作介面,以教學現場授課單元進度,媒合使用者與目錄架構中的教學資源。


Grades 1-9 Curriculums are the concrete framework for organizing courses from elementary school first grade to journal high school, teachers have been given the tasks that produce innovative teaching content by applying novel information technology in the compulsory education,. Fortunately, the rapid development of digital teaching resources and International standards, a lot of teaching materials and e-learning standards are supported by the government projects. The Taiwan E-Learning and Digital Archives Program (TELDAP) had provided various e-learning contents that are useful to the digital learning environment. However, the lack of specific solution for integrating these resources from the teacher-perspective results in most teachers is hard to fuse these e-learning resources into their courses. Based on Web Information Extraction and knowledge ontology fusion methods, this thesis integrates digital teaching resources from the teacher-perspective, that is mapping TELDAP contents and web resources into the Grades 1-9 Curriculum Directory. The thesis also develops a web system (Edu 2.0) to provide friendly user interface to match teachers' requirements with supplement course materials. By exploring the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Affair standardized schools operations (i.e. the school SOP) for using web services is also defined and applied to the educational process.


[1] 國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要總綱, http://www.edu.tw/files/site_content/B0055/總綱.doc
[2] 孫台育(2008), 國民中學教務處標準作業流程之探討, 國立東華大學教育研究所論文, p88,96
[3] 國民小學及國民中學教科圖書審定辦法, http://review.nict.gov.tw/Bulletin/spic/RegulationsforReviewandApproval.pdf
[4] 教育部數位教學資源入口網, http://isp.moe.edu.tw
[5] 學習物件後設資料標準, http://metadata.teldap.tw/project/project-homepage/m1-3-twlom.htm
