  • 學位論文


A Study on Townscape Renaissance Policy of Public-Private Partnership:The Case of Nantou County Community Planner Project

指導教授 : 柯于璋


二十世紀以來政府扮演的角色不斷轉變,然自1970年代以降,由於石油危機造成全球性經濟衰退,使得許多國家政府面臨因福利政策擴張所造成的財政窘迫,於是政府開始厲行開源節流,同時因民間組織的興起與市場活力的充沛,借助民間力量,共同來推展城鄉發展政策,並有效經營公、私部門的協力夥伴關係,使之演變為推動地方發展的重要力量。 南投縣政府以「社區規劃師駐地輔導計畫」協助已完成培訓之社區規劃師,進入社區進行規劃實務工作,建立公部門、專業者與社區居民團體三方的合作機制,形成由下而上的城鄉環境經營模式。 本研究以質性研究之深度訪談法及文獻分析法、個案研究法,並以Ansell & Gash兩位學者的協力治理模型為基礎建立分析架構,探討在城鄉風貌計畫中公部門、社區組織、第三部門專家學者,社區居民間的互動情形,希望從中瞭解彼此間的互動與連結過程,進行公私協力體系相關影響因素與重要面向之探究,再依訪談結果針對公私部門與社區間的互助關係、公私部門與社區間的協力治理模式與困境、協力式治理對社區參與的作用與影響等問題面向分析,進而試圖建構出政府與社區協力治理關係之願景。 本研究發現參與限制大於誘因、缺乏長期性協力的制度設計、領導管理層面表現甚佳值得推廣、任務明確且清楚但流於形式、協力過程是初始狀態、制度設計、促進型領導與協力結果之中介因子;研究建議建立績效指標、提供足夠的經費、配合社福部門邀集地方意見領袖帶動社區參與、訂定擴充條款。


The role of government is changing since the 20th century. However, since the 1970s dynasty the global economic recession caused by oil crisis led many governments facing financial distress caused by welfare policy of expansion. So the government began to rigorously enforce cut costs. At the same time , the rise of civil society organizations and the market viability of abundant, with the civil power, work together to take forward and rural development policies and cooperation effective business partnerships between the public and private sectors, making it evolved into an important force to promote local development. Nantou County Government assist community planners have completed training to work into the community and establish tripartite cooperation mechanism for cooperation public sector, professional and community groups to form a bottom-up urban and rural environment business model with "Community Planner resident counseling program". In this study, in-depth interview and document analysis, case study qualitative research, and third-party governance model Ansell & Gash two scholars on the basis of established analytical framework to explore the urban and rural landscape project in the public sector, community organizations, experts and scholars from the three departments, interactions of community between the residents, hoping to learn to interact with the linking process between each other, to explore the relevant factors of Partnership system and important for it, then follow the interviews for mutual assistance between the public and private sectors and communities, between public and private sectors work together with the community governance model, the plight and cooperation governance for community participation such as the role and impact of the problem-oriented analysis, and then try to construct a vision of the government and the community work together to govern the relationship. The study found that more than incentives to participation restrictions, lack of institutional design of long-term synergies, leadership and management level, performance is very good and worthy of promotion, a clear mandate and clear but a mere formality, third-party process is the initial state, system design, and work together to promote leadership Results intermediary factors; study recommended the establishment of performance indicators, provide adequate funding to meet the social welfare department invited local opinion leaders in encouraging community participation, set the terms of the expansion.


1. 100年度南投縣社區規劃師駐地輔導計畫成果報告書。
2. 101年度南投縣社區規劃師駐地輔導計畫~草屯鎮土城社區-龍泉圳文化園區發展計畫工程成果報告書。
3. 102年度南投縣社區規劃師駐地輔導計畫成果報告書。
4. 內政部營建署98年度『台灣城鄉風貌整體規劃示範計畫』96-97年度補助成果追蹤檢討成果報告書。
