  • 學位論文


Research on the Management Strategies of Religious Non-profit Organizations-Take the Universal Mazu Social Welfare Charity Foundation as an Example

指導教授 : 陳建良


臺灣四面環海,是一獨立於海上之孤島,媽祖(俗稱海上女神)的廟宇數量,僅次於地方神明的土地公廟。因此,每年不管任何地方之媽祖繞境活動,總能吸引成千上萬、甚至數十萬信徒跟隨繞境、祈求平安。 在全球有關媽祖的研究成果甚豐,早已成為一門顯學,信徒達3億之多。聯合國教科文組織保護非物質文化遺產政府間委員會,在2009年9月30日第四次會議審議決定,將「媽祖信俗」列入世界《人類非物質文化遺產代表作名錄》。「媽祖信俗」是中國首個「信俗類」世界遺產。 本研究旨在以蔡咏鍀先生成立不滿二年之基金會作為研究主題,以瞭解宗教型非營利組織之經營策略,並以質性方式對蔡先生做深度訪談,一窺當代媽祖代言人之發願,如何執行濟世救人之作為,如何以一己之力完成慈善事業機構之經營。


Taiwan is surrounded by the sea on all sides and is an isolated island. The number of temples of Mazu (commonly known as the Goddess of the Sea) is second only to the local Land Gods and temples. Therefore, no matter where pilgrimage of Mazu every year, it always attracts thousands or even hundreds of thousands of believers to follow and pray for safety. The academic research on Mazu in the world is abundant, and it has already become a prominent subject, with as many as 300 million believers. UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, on September 30, 2009, the fourth meeting deliberated and decided to include "Mazu Beliefs and Customs" in the world "Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity". "Mazu Beliefs and Customs" is China's first "belief and custom" World Heritage. The purpose of this research is to take the foundation that Mr. Cai Yongxun established as the research topic, in order to understand the business strategy of religious non-profit organizations, and to conduct an in-depth interview with Mr. Cai in a qualitative way to get a glimpse of the aspirations of contemporary Mazu spokespersons, how to implement the act of saving the world and saving people, how to complete the operation of charitable institutions with one's own efforts.


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