  • 學位論文


The Changes of 'South China Sea Issues' and Taiwan's Respondent Strategies

指導教授 : 陳佩修


距離台灣本島最遙遠的南海諸島,掌控著南海的國際航道,每天約有數百艘船隻穿梭其間,戰略地位重要;其周圍海域有儲量豐富的海底油氣田,以及多種金屬礦場等重要戰略資源,成為鄰近各國覬覦的重點區域,其中以石油開採競爭最為劇烈,由此可知,在表面看似平靜的南海海域,其底下卻是各國之間暗中的較勁。我國在南沙群島中控制有太平島及東沙群島,其他島礁則已被周邊國家瓜分殆盡,爭端國家包含環繞南海的我國、中共、越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞、印尼、汶萊等國,也包含了區域外的美、日等國際勢力。這些國家均在南海諸島大肆開採或掠奪各種資源。南海現為亞太地區最有可能發生衝突的地方,我國的南海主權及利益也正面臨著挑戰。 我國南海政策綱領中明確指出──南沙諸島無論就歷史、地理、國際法及事實,向為我國固有領土之一部份,其主權屬於我國,擁有一切權益。筆者以國家戰略觀點考量南海諸島問題爭端,於撰寫論文的過程中,援引文獻分析法完成。本研究目的旨在探討與分析南海問題爭議的東協國家,為維護其在南海權益,而調整其國防、外交政策,又因中共的崛起,使我國面臨南海問題更加孤困。前瞻未來南海問題的演變與發展,絕對不能缺席,我應速謀因應對策,俾確保我國國家民族利益,是個人研究本篇論文之主要焦點。


The Spratly Islands that are far away from Taiwan controls South China Sea’s international naval route. Each day, there are hundreds of vessels pass by that made Spratly Islands strategic important. Neighboring countries covet over Spratly Islands over its rich crude oil deposit and mineral deposits. The South China Sea area may seem peaceful; in reality, it is where neighboring countries fight to try to gain a hold of it. Taiwan has control over Tai-Ping Island and Dong-Sha Islands, the neighboring countries has control over the rest of the islands. These countries include Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Philippine, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. Forces outside the region such as the United States and Japan are also influencing the region. These countries are harvesting and mining the resources available in the region. The Spratly Islands are one of the areas that are most likely to cause conflicts. Taiwan’s sovereignty over Spratly Islands is facing difficult challenges. It clearly defines in the South China Sea policy that Taiwan owns Spratly Islands. Based on National Strategic point of view, the author took a document analytic approach to verify the problem. This research emphasis on analyzing ASEAN countries involved in the Spratly Islands dispute and how these countries modified their national defense and diplomatic policy; the rising of China made the situation harder for Taiwan. Taiwan must be involved in the future negotiations of Spratly Islands to ensure Taiwan still has the proper authority over Spratly Islands.


– 人民日報
– 中央日報
– 中國時報
