  • 學位論文


Implementing an Integrated RFID System for Power Meter Management

指導教授 : 游子宜


絕大部分的人每天的生活都離不開水、油跟電。而電的影響層面最大,因為它關係到民生經濟及工業的發展。如何提升電力公司的營運績效,使其提供合理的電價是一項很重要的工作。本研究將利用無線射頻辨識技術(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID) 的無線讀取技術,將RFID設備鉛封於電錶的封印系統中。並開發行動資訊系統,將傳統的電錶的抄錶程序自動化,以避免人為的疏失,並提高行政效率。且在嚴謹的資訊軟體管理架構下,提升電力公司電錶的安全性防護措施,避免竊電或偷接事件的發生,以降低營運損失並進而提升其營運績效及競爭力。


Most people can’t live without water, gasoline and electricity in their daily life. They are important resources to humankind. The electricity is particular important because it not only essential to our daily life, but also fundamental to economy growth and industry development. Thus, how to provide an easy access approach to enhance the performance and raise the efficiency of a power company is important. Hoping that affordable electricity can be provided after the company has improved its competitive ability. This research tries to utilize the wireless feature of RFID and develop a mobile information system to automatize the routine work of power recording process. The RFID is embedded into the electronic container seal to enhance the security so that the electricity theft can be prohibited. We aim to improve the operations of the power company and increase its competitiveness by utilizing the modern technology.


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