  • 學位論文


Co-opetition relationship within Taiwanese SMEs-Acase study of a bicycle parts/components firm

指導教授 : 施信佑


自1970年代以來,台灣一直在國際自行車行業中佔有不可或缺的地位,台灣的自行車行業協會會員716家(2013),產值1026億(整車52%、零件48%),研究中探討中小企業的零組件廠商在面臨著產業聚落1970年代開始的產業聚落的興起創造台灣的「自行車王國」的美譽。 研究目的在探討自行車零組件廠商面臨區域化的供貨鏈威脅,產業群聚的興盛和衰落,中小企業的競合關係變化,並且為中小企業帶來的競爭和合作,中小企業如何發展獨特且持久的核心競爭力又要如何學習價值鏈分析,透過價值活動的強化企業以提昇本身的競爭優勢。並藉由訪談個案公司、供應商和顧客來了解中、小企業在面臨競爭環境改變,競爭者的競爭時,企業的因應運用如下: 1. 群產業聚(1)買者與供應商(2)競爭者與互補者(3)資源共享等三種關係越強大,則產業群聚的綜體效益就越大,關係不足的群聚則反之。 2. 企業在價值鏈分析,透過主要活動、支援活動來提昇競爭優勢,為產業帶來了成本、品質和交期的優勢,並促進產品的升級。 3. 透過企業的功能性資源和組織性資源建構企業獨特且持久的核心競爭力。 研究最後建議中小企業同時應關注所處環境或產業群聚的內、外競合關係變化以價值網為中心分析企業的顧客、供應商、競爭者和互補的競合動態。以掌握並規劃企業的短、中、長期策略規劃,以在順勢而成長壯大。


Since 1970s Taiwan bicycle has its important position in the world. According to Taiwan Bicycle industrial association membership 716(2013) output value 102.6 billion 52% of complete bicycles 48% parts components and accessories. Taiwan the kingdom of bicycle manufacture had the best industry cluster in the world. In this study the supply chain change to regionalization bicycles parts/components manufactures how to surfer with Industry cluster and Co-opetition with others. SMEs developed their own competitive advantage by Value chain activities and build core competence. Access case company customers and supplier to find out how they work with these. 1. Industry Cluster relationship a. buyers and suppliers b. competitors and Complementary c. sharing resource as the relationship complicate the cluster as strong. 2. With Value Chain help SMEs analysis their own main IPO activities and supporting activities to build their own competitive advantage. 3. SME need to develop its unique and enduring core competence by its knowledge experience and know-how. SMEs have to concert their Industry cluster outside and inner competition. Understanding the trend and making tactics to build bigger companies.


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