  • 學位論文


The Implementation of Interorganizational Information Systems:A Case Study In Taiwan Machinery Industry

指導教授 : 陳小芬


面對現今產業經營環境的快速變遷,及注重消費者需求為導向的競爭年代,企業的發展已逐漸邁向全球化、顧客化與數位化,為了追求永續經營企業必須在所處的環境中學習如何改善經營績效,才能隨時反映消費者多變的需求。在國內多屬中小企業的產業環境下,由於先天資源環境的匱乏外加上市場走向多樣化,企業因此開始檢視生產流程,思索如何有效整合資源並消除生產過程中多餘的環節、利用即時資訊供企業以及策略夥伴決策之用。因此利用跨組織資訊系(Interorganizational Information System; IOS)來建構電子化的供應鏈管理統理(Supply Chain Management;SCM)已成為現今供應鏈管理的發展趨勢。 本研究主要從(一)組織內部:組織狀況與未來發展、高階主管支持度。(二)資訊科技:現有資訊科技的支援與執行狀況。(三)跨組織關係:跨組織間信任關係的建立。三個方向來探討企業如何在外在環境的挑戰下,促成跨組織資訊系統的推動。本研究藉由深入一機械業的個案研究,進行實地深度訪談,並針對初級、次級資料的進行蒐集、分析與推論。探討A公司在既有的中衛體系優勢下,面對不同的環境因素,如何驅使與促成跨組織資訊系統的推動,及在推動後所產生的影響與成效。本研究獲得主要結論如下: 一、在中衛體系下組織間信任關係為跨組織合作推動的關鍵因素。 二、推動IOS的同時,提升資訊科技能力於供應體系成員具有相當的重要性。 三、大型中心廠對中衛體系整體電子化的推動扮演舉足輕重的角色。 四、跨組織資訊系統對A公司體系流程帶來顯著的成效。 五、跨組織資訊系統的最佳效益為多項促成因素所構成。


In the face of rapid changes about management environment of industries nowadays and competitive consumer-oriented era, the development of enterprises have gradually marched toward globalization, customization and digitization. For the goal of pursuing sustainable development, enterprises have to learn how to improve performances in their own conditions to reflect consumers' various demands. Most firms in Taiwan are small and medium-sized enterprises. For the reason of diversified market and lacking natural resources, enterprises begin to examine procedures of production, figure out how to integrate resources effectively and eliminate unnecessary steps of production, and make use of instant information for enterprises and strategic partners to make decisions. Therefore, a trend about today’s supply chain management can be seen that IOS (Interorganizational Information System) is frequently used to construct digital SCM (Supply Chain Management). This research investigated how an enterprise achieved the goal of the inter-organization confronting various external challenges in three dimensions. First, Organization itself: including specific conditions in an organization, developments in the future and supports from top-level management. Second, Information Technology: support of existing information technology and the situation of enforcement. Third, Interorganizational relationship: the establishment of inter-organizational trust. Additionally, this study is carried out by observing a case study in the machinery industry, interviewing the management, and collecting and analyzing primary and secondary data. We try to not only examine how Company A is driven to achieve the goal of Interorganization System in its advantageous position of CSD (Corporate Synergy Development) System with different environmental factors but also observe what effects this task brings about. In this paper, some main conclusions are obtained as follows: 1.Under the CSD System, trust among different organizations is the crucial element for promoting inter-organizational cooperations. 2.It plays an important role for all members in supply chain system to enhance their abilities about information technology. 3.The major firms of CSD system hold a critical position to facilitate full-scale electronization in supply chain. 4.The production procedures of Company A benefit a lot from the Interorganizational System. 5.When provided with various factors, the best efficiency of Interorganization System can be reached.


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[2].工研院經資中心 http://int.iek.itri.org.tw/index.jsp
[3].公開資訊觀測站 http://newmops.tse.com.tw/
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