  • 學位論文


The Application of Golden Triangular on Service Marketing Strategies in Restaurant Industry: An example of Sushiraku International group

指導教授 : 楊明青
共同指導教授 : 丁冰和


本研究以鮨樂國際餐飲集團(以下簡稱為鮨樂餐飲)為主要研究個案,以服務行銷金三角策略為研究基礎,旨在了解該公司內部行銷、外部行銷與互動行銷之運作現況,以及該公司行銷相關主管對該三向度行銷的認知情況,並以王品餐飲集團旗下品牌陶板屋餐廳(以下簡稱為陶板屋)為比較個案,且藉由蒐集陶板屋的行銷策略資料,探討比較兩餐飲機構在三向度行銷策略上的相同與差異,並根據研究結果提出結論與建議。 本研究係採用半結構訪談進行研究,在訪談部分為根據相關文獻編製成訪談大綱,對鮨樂餐飲之業者或行銷策略執行相關主管進行訪談,本研究之結論如下: 一、鮨樂餐飲相關行銷主管在三向度行銷策略認知情況為,具有良好的觀念與認知。 二、鮨樂餐飲內部行銷現況著重於,招募與培養、教育訓練、參與賦權、激勵與獎勵,以及行政管理。 三、在外部行銷現況,產品策略以持續創新及延伸品牌走多品牌經營,價格策略為中高價位與中價位,並對熟客、會員等用餐者予以優惠,通路上採直營實體店面經營,推廣上包含會員優惠、異業合作等,並持續於媒體、簡訊與網路宣傳等。 四、兩個案在三向度行銷策略的比較上,具有多方面的相同與差異,其中以內部行銷為最多樣的相同,如招募與培養及教育訓練的方式、參與賦權、激勵與獎勵方式,以及行政管理。而在差異上,則是以內部行銷的塑造企業文化,外部行銷的產品策略、價格策略,以及互動行銷的用餐後顧客意見之處置,較具有差異。 最後,根據以上研究結論,本研究針對鮨樂餐飲與後續研究者,提出相關的具體建議,以作為今後該餐飲機構推動行銷策略與後續研究之參考依據。


The purposes of this study is to take sushiraku International food group (hereinafter referred to as sushiraku dining) as the main object of case study, service marketing of Golden Triangular strategies is treated as the foundation of research. It aims to understand the current operation status of the company's internal marketing, external marketing, interactive marketing, and the company's in charge of the three dimensions of marketing-related marketing cognition situation , and the wowprime group tokiya restaurant (hereinafter referred to as tokiya) as comparative cases. The research is also to explore and compare two dining institutions on the three dimensions of marketing strategies. Semi-structured interviews prepared in accordance with the relevant literature to outline the implementation of the relevant authorities are applied to conduct interviews of sushiraku dining industry or marketing strategies. The data gathered are further analyzed to generate results of investigation, conclusions and recommendations. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.The sushiraku dining who are in charge of marketing-related marketing strategies in three dimensions of cognition do have good ideas and knowledge. 2.The sushiraku dining focus on the status of internal marketing, recruiting and pre-training, education and on-job training, participation in empowerment, motivation and reward, as well as administration. 3. Regarding to the status of the external marketing, product strategies include continuous innovation, brand extension and multi-brand management;pricing strategies is the high price and mid-price, and concessions were given to regular customers, members; distribution channels are operations on the direct sales stores, The promotion included membership benefits, cross-industry cooperation, continued media exposure, newsletters, and web promotion. 4. In comparison with the two cases on the three dimensions of marketing strategies in many aspects, of which the most diverse internal marketing is the same, such as recruitment and pre-training and education on-job training methods, participation in empowerment, motivation and reward approach, as well as administration. And the difference is based on the internal marketing of shaping corporate culture, external marketing product strategies, pricing strategies, and customer feedback after the application of interactive marketing meal with much difference. Finally, based on the above research findings, this study is mainly to provide sushiraku dining and subsequent researchers with specific recommendations related to the dining agency as a future reference for promoting the marketing strategies and future research.


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