  • 學位論文


"Nou Ryou Kai" in Taiwan During the Japanese Ruled Period--The Basic Analysis Depends on Taiwan Daily News.(1902-1940)

指導教授 : 林蘭芳


日本殖民政府欲建構一個適合日本人居住的殖民環境,引進許多新式的休閒概念與休閒活動,日本殖民政府興建許多娛樂性質相關的公共設施,使得當時臺灣整體的休閒環境逐漸地形成,擴散至全臺各地。又因為在臺日人移入臺灣,日式休閒活動─納涼會,也同步被引進臺灣。本文主要探討日治時期納涼會在臺灣的發展,日治時期納涼會在臺灣的發展脈絡,及其與當代社會、民眾的互動情況。 明治時期,納涼會初傳入臺灣之際,納涼會舉辦地點多以郊區為主,場域則以水邊清涼地居多。並隨著日本殖民政府建設腳步,納涼會舉辦區域逐漸深入臺灣各地。主辦者方面,由官方為主開始擴散到各個街庄組織,並擴及各個民間團體。而納涼會為吸引民眾參與,遊興類型眾多,各式各樣,五花八門,可分為以下幾種類型:一、益智類,如圍棋、將棋和五子棋等。二、體育類,如相撲、撞球等。三、演藝類,如落語、演劇和音樂演奏等。四、藝文類,如賞書畫、吟詩詞等。飲食方面,納涼會場中飲食文化更呈現中、日、西合併的面貌。 日治初期殖民政府控制力量雖尚未足夠深入臺灣各個角落,未經建設的臺灣在日人眼中仍然是屬於不毛之地,但是殖民政府仍試圖不斷積極擴展適合的旅遊空間,要將新殖民地臺灣發展成適合日本人移居的地點。納涼會進入臺灣之後,受到民眾的歡迎,舉辦地點不斷隨著日本殖民政府建設,區域發展,由北往南,由西向東擴展。透過各個主辦者皆不遺餘力努力推展,納涼會場中,類型、餘興及飲食三方面,經由各文化融合之緣故,納涼會呈現出中、日、西三種文化融合情況,納涼會在臺灣呈現出一種文化兼容並蓄之樣貌。


日治時期 納涼會 休閒文化


The Japanese colonial government intended to establish a colonial environment that was suitable for Japanese people to live, and thus various new types of leisure concepts and leisure activities were introduced into Taiwan. Those public facilities of recreational features built in every region of Taiwan by the Japanese colonial environment had gradually formed an overall leisure environment in Taiwan. Moreover, due to the immigration of Japanese people, the Japanese leisure activity, “Nou Ryou Kai”, was also introduced into Taiwan in the mean time. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore the development context of the “Nou Ryou Kai” in Taiwan during the Japanese Ruled Period and its interaction with the contemporary society and the public. When the “Nou Ryou Kai” was initially introduced to Taiwan during the Meiji period of Japan, the sites that the “Nou Ryou Kai” had been held were mostly at the suburbs, and the fields were mostly at cool places by the water. Moreover, along with the further construction of the Japanese colonial government, the areas that the “Nou Ryou Kai” had been held were gradually throughout the whole country. As for the hosts, the official agencies were accounted for the majority and gradually extended to the town organizations and each civil organization. To attract the public to participate, the “Nou Ryou Kai” comprised various kinds of recreational activities, including the following types: (1) Puzzles, such as go, shogi and gomoku; (2) Sports, such as sumo and billiards; (3) Entertainments, such as rakugo, theaters and music performances; (4) Arts and Literatures, such as calligraphy and painting appreciation and poems reciting. As for the diet, the food culture in the meeting places of the “Nou Ryou Kai” was combined with Chinese, Japanese and Western food cultures. In the early Japanese Ruled Period, the control power of the Japanese colonial government had not spread thoroughly in every corner of Taiwan, and thus the undeveloped Taiwan was still a barren land to Japanese people. However, the Japanese colonial government had put efforts on finding and expanding suitable space for tourism actively, attempting to develop the colonial Taiwan as a perfect place for Japanese people to immigrate and live. After being introduced into Taiwan, the “Nou Ryou Kai” was extremely welcomed by the public, and its meeting places were gradually extended from north to south and from west to east along with the construction of the Japanese colonial government and the regional development. Through the unremitting and aggressive promotion of the organizers, the three aspects of types, entertainments and diets in the meeting places of the “Nou Ryou Kai” were presented as a combination of Chinese, Japanese, and Western cultures due to the fusion of various cultures in Taiwan, showing an appearance of a coexistence of cultures of a diverse nature.




