  • 學位論文


A Study of Developing the Educational Staffs’ ICT Education for Taoyuan County Junior High and Elementary Schools Based on the International Internet and Computing Core Certifications Competence

指導教授 : 饒達欽 戴建耘


摘 要 教育人員資訊素養能力之良窳是資訊化社會中教學成敗的關鍵,而資訊網路與通訊科技(information and communication technology ,ICT)能力已是教育人員必須具備的一項重要專業能力。資訊素養必須從小培養紮根,所以教育人員更應具備資訊網路與通訊科技教育整合的教學能力。教育與國際接軌是台灣在國際化的重要措施之一,然而本研究在探討國內資訊素養有關的文獻時,發現過去所有的研究都偏重態度與知覺的探討,缺乏實證研究與全球標準差異的研究。 本研究使用國際電腦網路核心能力檢測 (Internet and Computing core Certifications,IC?),一種全球性資訊素養課程教學與檢測認證的平台,以桃園縣國民中小學現任校長、主任與教師為取樣對象,來檢測教育人員資訊素養能力,從三個科目與十一項能力指標的檢測與國際標準作比較,建立評估模式,並依取樣樣本之背景資料,運用集群分析將教育人員的資訊素養能力分為三大集群,探討三大集群教育人員在國際ICT能力檢測各項能力指標的差異性。在抽樣桃園縣教育人員600人的研究中發現: 1.高級資訊素養群教育人員(約佔樣本數42.73%),其資訊素養能力普遍已達到全球標準,其他集群教育人員(中級資訊素養群佔樣本數28.36%、初級資訊素養群約佔樣本數28.91%),其資訊素養能力仍是落後全球標準,並且皆以「常用應用軟體」科目為最弱一環。 2.所有集群教育人員在「網路應用與安全」方面,普遍表現達全球標準,可見近年來教育單位對於網路應用能力的加強與重視,已獲得初步成果。 3.影響教育人員資訊素養之相關背景變項以「班別」、「性別」、「現職」、「年齡」、「每週使用電腦的總時數」及「個人修習電腦相關課程情形」等六項顯示有差異,然而本研究與過去研究的「學歷」變項結果顯示有所不同。 以全球資訊素養能力為基礎,發展桃園縣國民中小學教育人員之資訊網路與通訊科技(ICT)教育,分為「ICT教育願景」、「環境基礎建設」、「教師資訊素養專業發展」、「教材與教法」、「學生資訊學習與評量」、「行政規劃與社區資源」等六大發展工作。 最後,根據本研究之結論提出具體建議,供教育主管機關及學校規劃國民中小學教育人員資訊素養能力研習、進修與檢測的參考。 關鍵詞:資訊素養、資訊網路與通訊科技、國際電腦網路核心能力檢測、桃園縣教育人員資訊網路與通訊科技教育


Abstract A successful education in the information society depends on educational staffs’ information literacy competence, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become one of the crucial skills for teachers’ instruction. The proficiency of ICT must be built from early schooling , Therefore, teachers ought to not only obtain the educational ability , but also to integrate ICT competence within educational instruction . One of the main approach for Taiwan has been considered as the internationalization in the globe village is related with the dercelopment of ICT competence in education. Thus, this study reviewed the previous researches,which most of them put too much focused on the study of attitudes and perceptions of information literacy, however there are still lack of scientific researches provides empirical evidences in this area,thus,it indicates there is some discrepancy of the global standard in ICT competency for educators and education, expecially in Taiwan. Internet and Computing Core Certifications (IC3), which is a wored-wide validated platform , via the standard-based training and certification program for basic computing and internet knowledge and skills, was adopted as the basis for conducting this research. Principals, directors and teachers of junior high and elementary schools in Taoyuan County were sampled to examine their information competencies. The three subjects and eleven competency indexes of ICT competency have been used to compare with this global standards, samples were grouped into three categories according to their different information competencies. A close examination has performed to look into the discrepancy of these samples in ICT test. The following results were analysed by there six-hundred samplings: 1. The top-level information competency samples (about 42.73% of the total samples) have achieved the global standard, the rest categories (the middle-level and basic-level samples 28.36% and 28.91% accordingly) were lower than the global standard, “The basic software application” was the weakest subject item for both category groups. 2. All the three category groups have all passed the global standard in the subject item of “Internet application and network safety”, proved the effort for emphasizing the importance of network application skills. 3. Variables of affectting samples’ information competency have been analysed, only these six backgrounds shown the differences in the following: “teaching subjects”, “genders”, “titles”, “ages”, and “the total hours of using computer every week”. However, the study indicated a different result distinguished from the past research,i,e; “education background”. “the educational visions of ICT ”, “ basic infrastructure”, “ the development of teacher’s information proficiency”, “teaching materials and methods”, “ student’s information learning and evaluation”, and “ administration planning and community resources” are the six major developmental items for Taoyuan’s ICT education based on the global information proficiency. This research could provide a valuable reference to conduct further computing and internet literacy studies for teacher in junior high and elementary schools. Key Word:information literacy、ICT(Information and Communication Technology)、IC? (Internet and Computing Core Certifications)、TYCESICTE.




