  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 卓俊辰


墾荒、築基與追尋:一位巧固球教練的生命故事 研 究 生:鄭淑文 2007年6月共154頁 指導教授:卓俊辰教授 摘要 本文是探究一位在學校任職工友,餘時兼任巧固球隊教練,歷經八年喜怒哀樂悲恐驚的生命故事。研究目的則是探究一位巧固球教練造人、造己的生命歷程及研究者自身生命經驗的重新釐清與省思。本研究透過參與觀察深入田野,深度訪談則引用McAdams所設計的訪談綱要以半結構性的訪談方式蒐集資料。 研究者從對巧固球一無所知而投入球隊的管理,並實際參與巧固球訓練成為選手,研究過程中經歷並發現了四個不同階段的經驗轉換:召喚期、共振期、黑暗期與共享期。在四期轉換經驗的建構下,在論述研究對象生命故事的敘說過程中,研究者反倒投射建立出一條有跡可尋的生命脈絡,尋找到圓現自身的法門。 研究者在研究中將自身當成「研究工具」,透過既是協助者、是訪談者、是觀察者、亦是參與者的角色來透視臺灣當前的體育環境中,巧固球教練歷經多少的起落與跌宕才找到自己與球員生命的出路。研究發現,業務出身的研究對象,風光過、落魄過、聲色犬馬過、困窘交迫過,算是活過了,而且活出來,活出既拼搏又寬闊的生存之道。他開通、好學、隨和、機靈,傳統的忠孝節義面面俱到,社會現實也周旋得恰到好處。凡事舉重若輕,處事游刃有餘;心靈的門戶一邊向著超越國際洞開,另一邊感動與吸納人才並自然而然地將之匯入巧固球人生。 本研究對象的精神值得許多人來瞭解及認識,他的勇氣與奉獻讓許多人的生活態度有所改變,更因此影響其他人有更正面的人生態度。他理應獲得更多的重視與尊敬。 本研究之最終目的乃分享生命經驗予以巧固球界與體育工作者參考,並為非體育系出身的教練樹立一種典範,亦期望提供讀者及體育界相關部門,一些新的視野與省思。 關鍵詞:巧固球、教練、生命故事、敘說


巧固球 教練 生命故事 敘說


PIONEERING, ESTABLISHING, AND SEEKING : Life Story of a Tchouk Ball Coach Shu-Wen Cheng June, 2007. 154 pages Advisor : Jiunn-chern Jwo Abstract This article is a description of the life story of a school janitor, who worked as a part-time Tchouk Ball Coach. A period time of eight (8) year was filled with joyfulness, anger, sadness, happiness, depression, and anxiety. The objectives of this research are to investigate the lively process of how this Tchouk Ball Coach has helped himself and others and also for the researcher to reflect her own experience, set priority, and contemplate the life process. To gather information the interview guidelines, developed by McAdams, were adopted for the process of dialoguing with a semi-structure format. From a layman of Tchouk Ball to the management of a team, the researcher has involved herself in training and practicing and then become a player. It was discovered during the research that there are four different stages of experiencing transition : calling period, resonant period, depressing period, and sharing period. Through narrating the life story of this research object, under the framework of the 4-stage transition, the researcher formulated a traceable life networking and found a methodology of self-fulfilling approach. During the studying the researcher treated herself as a "research tool" and played different roles as an assistant, an interviewer, an observer, and also a participant in order to perceive the sporting environment of Taiwan. Under the circumstances, this Tchouk Ball Coach had experienced so much up and down in his life and finally found a way out for himself and a career path for a player. In interviewing the research object, i. e., the ex-janitor, it was found that he had paved a broad way for himself with his abundant life experience. He had indulged himself in luxurious life and yet also gone through various hardships. He has come out lively and lived in a meaningful life. He has paved himself a wide path filled with challenge. He is open-minded and eager to learn -- a popular person getting along well with others. He preserves the traditional virtues such as loyalty, respectfulness, modesty, and righteousness. He mingles well with others and handles things smoothly. He opens up his heart to the world and has moved and touched many people including the athletes and induced them to become part of a living stream of Tchouk Ball. It is worthy of learning from and understanding of the spirit of this research object, the Tchouk Ball Coach. His strength and unselfishness have positive impact and changed many people's attitude in turning them to more optimistic and positive thinking. . He deserves more respect and attention. The ultimate objective of this research work is to share the life experience with others especially those whom involved in the fields of Tchouk Ball or other sports. It is also a demonstration of a road model for those coaches who are not major in athletics. It is the hope that this study would provide new vision and contemplation for the readers and people or groups related to athletic activities. Key words : Tchouk Ball, Coach, Life Story, Narrative




傅浩譯(2000)。葉慈詩選。臺北市:書林。(W. B. Yeats,1899)


