  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 程瑞福


本研究旨在探討台灣地區國小體育師資培育課程發展,以臺中教育大學體育學系、台東大學體育學系及臺北體院體育與健康學系等三所不同型態的體育師資培育機構為研究對象,藉由文獻探討,說明師範校院的沿革及發展、師範校院培育課程之演進等,並分析3所研究對象之課程架構及開課課程,再輔以訪談的方式,以3所國小體育師資培育機構之行政負責人為訪談對象,探討台灣地區國小體育師資培育機構課程調整之影響因素與學系調整策略,獲得以下結論及建議: 一、 在結論方面 (一) 不同型態之體育師資培育機構之專門課程比例皆最高 (二) 體育師資培育課程不利於現行教師甄試制度 (三) 3校皆擔憂學生的素質降低,並擬定提昇師資生教學能力之措施 (四) 不同型態體育師資培育機構選修學分數逐漸提高,以培養多元能力 (五) 師範校院體育學系在課程轉型方面以開設增能課程為主要方式 (六) 臺北體院體健系以學群為領域的課程設計方式值得借鏡 (七) 系務會議為課程最高決策機制,學生皆有機會參與課程的修訂 (八) 師資培育政策影響學系定位,未來發展不確定性高 二、 在建議方面: (一) 體育學系應以非師資培育學系為未來發展方向 (二) 建立學系核心課程,並規劃不同體育專業學程 (三) 國小教育學程課程重新規劃,以符合國小包班制需求 (四) 教育學程應採教育學院培育及學士後師資培育的方式


The purpose of this paper is to research on the development of elementary school Physical Education teacher-training curriculum, aiming at three different types of P.E. teacher-training institutions: Department of Physical Education of National Taichung University, Department of Physical Education of National Taitung University and Department of Physical Education and Health of Taipei Physical Education College. With literature review, this paper illustrates the history and development of teacher-training colleges and the transformation of teacher-training curriculums. This paper also analyzes the curriculum and courses that the three colleges provide. Interviews with three teacher-training faculties in these colleges help me understand the cause and effect of the adjustments the three colleges make and the strategies they adopt. The conclusion and suggestions are as follows: I. Conclusion: The ratio of specialized curriculum among different teacher-training institutions is the highest. P. E. teacher-training curriculum is unfavorable to apply present teacher position. All three institutions worry about the decreasing of students’ qualities, and they are planning to increase the teaching abilities of the students. These P.E. teacher-training institutions are increasing selective courses to stimulate students’ multi-abilities. The main mode for these teacher-training institutions to transform is to increase 增能curriculum. Department of Physical Education and Health of Taipei Physical Education College set a good example in the group work curriculum. The department conference is the final decision maker, which students are encouraged to participate in. The teacher-training policy influences the position of the departments, which leads to uncertain future development. II. Suggestions: The P. E. departments should develop into non-teacher-training departments in the future. It is necessary for the departments to establish their core courses and design different P. E. specialized curriculum. The elementary school education curriculum should be rearranged so that it meet the demand of small-size class system.




張宏育(2007)。William Pinar “currere”自傳式課程探究之評析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0204200815534238
