  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing Integrations of Computer Based Technology in Instructions: High School Earth Sciences Teachers as Exemplars

指導教授 : 許瑛玿


本研究嘗試透過問卷調查,探討影響中學地球科學教師資訊融入教學之相關因素。研究架構主要參考計劃性行為理論 (Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB),且對其構念內容作適當調整,並以其為問卷設計規劃的依據。調整後之構念有:對電腦的態度、電腦重要性之認知、學校資訊資源與資訊融入教學之意願與行為。另外因考量到教師本身的教育理念亦可能會對其資訊融入教學的意願與行為有所影響,本研究擬透過學習環境偏好(Learning Environments Preference, LEP)問卷調查教師所持的個人知識認識信念。最後利用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)統合上述相關影響之因素,以期建立對其意願與行為之解釋模型,進而探討有、無使用資訊融入教學的不同教師群在其模型的表現有何差異存在。 研究結果發現中學地科教師對電腦的態度與重要性認知皆具有高度正向的表現,但對學校資源則感到不滿意;雖具有高度融入意願,然而卻僅有低度融入行為的表現。另外,所建構的資訊融入教學意願解釋模型,評鑑後具有良好的整體適配度,研究假設所建立的理論關係亦受到觀察資料的良好支持。對於模式中相關因素整體效果的分析顯示,教師對電腦的態度與重要性認知對其資訊融入教學的意願具有顯著且重要的整體影響,但學校資源對其意願並無顯著的直接影響,而其個人之知識認識信念對其意願雖有顯著之影響,但整體效果仍顯微弱。另外在融入行為方面,則因行為量表的答題狀況呈現雙峰分佈,相關統計技術無法克服此一極端狀況,而無法建立解釋模型。 最後,利用多群組分析(Multi-group Analysis)技術,驗證此解釋模式應用於不同的教師群是否具備等同性(invariance)。結果發現此兩群教師的結構模式存在差異,即其相對應的路徑係數並不相等。換言之,這些因素對兩群教師的意願所產生直接與間接的影響各有不同,而「使用與否」對意願模式則具有調節作用。雖然在兩模式中態度對意願的整體效果接近,但有使用的教師群中,「態度」會透過「重要性」間接地影響「意願」,此一間接影響效果大於直接影響效果;相對地,在沒使用的教師群中,「態度」對「意願」的直接影響效果遠大於間接影響效果。這代表在沒使用的教師群中,其情意因素--「對電腦的態度」會對其資訊融入教學的意願有較重要的影響;而有使用的教師群中,則主要受到其認知的潛在規範性動機--「電腦的重要性」所影響。除此之外,在有使用的教師群中,其「知識認識信念」對其「意願」的直接與整體影響效果皆大於沒使用教師群的模式表現。


This study aims to investigate the factors influencing high school earth sciences teachers’ applications of computer based technology (CBT) in instructions. The Integration of CBT into Instruction Questionnaire was then developed, including five subscales: attitude toward computers, perceptions of the importance of computers, school resources, intention of integrations, and behavior of integrations, following the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Moreover, for some researches indicating teachers’ personal epistemology was the key mediating their instructions when using CBT, teachers’ epistemology, data gathered through Learning Environments Preference (LEP) Questionnaire, was another factor considered in exploring their adoption of CBT in this study, in addition to the factors in TPB. The results showed teachers had positive attitude toward computer and belief about the importance of CBT, yet they reported that they did not have sufficient resources of CBT in schools. As to apply CBT in instruction, teachers showed great intention but poor action. Furthermore, theoretical models, revised from TPB, were developed to understand teachers’ intention and behavior toward CBT integrations by employing structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques. The intention model was successfully built; however, the behavior model was not, owing to abnormal distributions in the “behavior of integrations” subscale. According to the intention model, teachers’ intention to apply CBT in instruction was intensively and significantly influenced by their attitude toward computers and perceptions of the importance of computers, but not significantly by school resources. Meanwhile, teachers’ epistemology contributed weak but significant effects on their intention. The multi-group invariance approach derived from SEM was applied to analyze two different groups of teachers, CBT use and no CBT use. The analytical findings showed the two groups were equivalent in structure configure and measurement weights, but not in structural weights, i.e. path coefficients. That is, “use-or-not” was a moderator toward intention models, and the factors had different effects on the intention. For the no CBT use group, teachers’ attitude toward computers had a stronger direct effect on their intention. On the other hand, for CBT use group, the effect of attitude on intention was profoundly mediated by their perceptions of the importance of computers; hence the indirect effect became stronger. Besides, teachers’ personal epistemology had larger direct and whole effects on their intention for CBT use group; nevertheless, there was no direct effect existed in teachers’ epistemology and intention for the no CBT use group.


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