  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Study on the Attitude of High School Students towards the Life Ethics of Artificial Abortion –- Using a Life Education Small Group as an Example

指導教授 : 李佩怡 博 士


本研究旨在了解高中男女生面對人工流產抉擇時面臨的尊重胎兒的生命權以及維護母親的自主權之間的考慮論點,並深入理解經過一次生命教育小團體課程活動之後,對於高中男女生面對人工流產的生命倫理態度所產生的影響。本研究採用質性研究,於生命教育小團體課程之前後分別以焦點團體訪談方式,進行相關問題的討論,每次兩小時。共有兩組計21人參加。生命教育小團體課程題目為「兩難的抉擇—談人工流產面臨的生命權與自主權議題」,二節課連續進行。課程前後實施「生命態度問卷」。研究者從焦點團體訪談結果及問卷結果了解學生的看法及改變。本研究探討四個問題,研究結果摘要如下: 1.高中生對於婚前性行為與未婚懷孕的態度,經由生命教育小團體課程之後有的不同:研究參與者女生於課前課後皆反對婚前性行為。課後男生對於婚前性行為的擔憂較多,包括懷孕、影響婚後生活、會不會被告等。女生原先較多擔憂未婚懷孕要承受身體健康可能的受損及輿論批評的雙重壓力,課後轉而考慮到需要金錢的現實問題。課後男生特別強調要負責。雙方皆強調兩人的溝通很重要,要一起面對承擔。並且要尋求家人的支持。 2.高中生對於人工流產〈墮胎〉的態度及抉擇時的思索內涵,經由生命教育小團體課程之後的不同:課前研究參與者擔憂孩子生下來會影響個人的學業、生涯規劃與身體健康。課後增加反對墮胎的理由,包括墮胎會造成孕婦身心靈的受創、會有罪惡感、要重視母胎關係、墮胎對自己和胎兒及周圍的人都有影響.. 等,但同時擔憂小孩出生是否會帶給個人生活或未來的婚姻牽絆,以及缺乏撫養孩子的金錢,並且擔心小孩生下來沒有被善待,將適應不良。墮胎抉擇夾在現實與良心之間,心情矛盾。呼籲要更審慎面對墮胎。 3.高中生對於人工流產面臨的胎兒生命權及母親自主權的態度為何?經由生命 教育小團體課程之後的不同:不管在課程前或課程中或課程後,都顯示較多的研究參與者贊成母親有自主權,也就是母親有權決定墮胎。他們的理由是胎兒是母親身體的一部分,孩子是孕婦的,身體是孕婦的,生育是孕婦的事、要尊重孕婦…等。如果母子權益衝突時,應以母親為重。課後有研究參與者提到胎兒是一個完整的生命,擁有生命權,除非是特殊情況,否則孕婦沒有權利決定墮胎。 4.研究參與者對於日後進行相關性教育及生命教育課程時的建議,包括課程內容、進行方式、教學者教學時的注意事項等,並且肯定墮胎話題的重要性。 研究者從討論結果中提出值得深入探討的話題做進一步的討論,並且提出四個方面的省思。最後針對實務工作者及未來的研究分別提出建議。


Abstract The focus of this study was to obtain a comprehensive understanding on the perspectives of male and female students of senior high schools as they consider the alternative of artificial abortion in the context of respecting unborn children's right to life and protecting the mothers' right to choose, as well as the impact on the students regarding the attitude towards life ethics on artificial abortion after the implementation of a small-group curriculum. This study adopted the qualitative research methodology, in which interviews and discussion were conducted on target groups both before and after the implementation of the curriculum, and the length of each interview session was two hours. The total number of participants was twenty-one in two groups. The theme of the small-group life education curriculum was "Tough Alternatives – Issues on the Right to Life and Right to Choose When Facing Artificial Abortion" with two consecutive class periods each session, and Questionnaire on Attitude towards Life was given to the students before and after the curriculum. The researcher sought to understand the views and changes of the students from the results of the interviews on target groups and of the questionnaires. This study explored four issues, and the research results of which were as follows: 1. The differences demonstrated in the attitude of high school students towards premarital sex and pregnancy out of wedlock after the implementation of small-group life education curriculum: the female students participating in the curriculum all objected to premarital sex before and after the class sessions; male students showed more concerns after the class sessions towards premarital sex, such as pregnancy, the life after marriage, being involved in lawsuits, et al. Female students expressed concerns, before the class sessions, over the possible pressures of potential health risks as the consequence of pregnancy out of wedlock, as well as criticisms from the public, yet after the class sessions, they considered more the reality of financial needs. Male students, after the class sessions, particularly stressed on the issue of responsibility. Both male and female students emphasized the importance of communication, in which involved parties need to face the responsibility, meanwhile seeking the support from their respective family members. 2. The differences demonstrated in high school students' attitude towards artificial abortion and the essence of thinking when considering the alternative after the implementation of small-group life education curriculum: participants in the study were concerned with, before the class sessions, the impact on their school work, career planning and physical health once the babies were born. More reasons were added after the sessions, including the emotional, spiritual wounds, as well as guilty conscience inflicted upon the pregnant ones after abortion, the emphasis on mother-child relationship, the potential impact of abortion on themselves, the unborn children, all the people around, et al, meanwhile being concerned that children would be mistreated once they were born and have issues of adaptation. The alternative of abortion lies between reality and conscience, and causes emotional turmoil, to say the least. A call is needed to more cautiou3. What was the attitude towards the right to life of the unborn children and mothers' right to choose as high school students faced artificial abortion? The differences demonstrated after the implementation of small-group life education curriculum were: more participants of the study were in favor of the mothers having the right to choose before, during and after the class sessions; that is, the mothers should retain the right whether or not to proceed with abortion. The reasons given were: unborn children are part of the mothers' bodies, the children are of the mothers, bodies of the ones pregnant, giving birth is the mothers' affair, respecting the pregnant ones, et al. In the event of any conflict of interest between the mothers and children, more attention should be given to the mothers. Some participants expressed the opinion after the class sessions that the unborn child is life in its entirety with the right to life, and the pregnant woman is not entitled to decide on abortion. 4. Research participants offered suggestions in regards to sex education and life education curriculum, such as content, format, guidelines for the instructors in the teaching process, et al, and affirmed the importance of the issue of abortion. The researcher discussed on pertinent issues stemming from the results of discussion, and offered four aspects for further reflection. Lastly, concrete suggestions were given to practitioners, as well as for the purpose of future studies. sly deal with abortion.


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