  • 學位論文


A Study on the Adoption and Management of Sports Lottery in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉代洋 鄭志富


政府體育經費長期不足是長期以來存在的問題,也連帶影響體育事務的推展,以及我國在國際體育競賽的成績;從先進國家以發行運動彩券做為籌集體育經費,進而成功推展體育的成功實例,我國也效法走上發行運動彩券之路。本研究的目的在於瞭解台灣準備上路的運動彩券發行與管理問題,而發行部分將著重於立法技術議題,管理部分則探討盈餘分配比例與運用的相關議題。本文研究方法屬於深入訪談法的質性研究。 分析結果及建議如下: 一、益彩券發行條例做為法源,容易發生權責混淆的問題,應循修法途徑解決。 二、避免爭議與弊端,運動彩券發行機構遴選由財政部辦理。 三、運動彩券經銷商遴選,不出公益彩券三種族群優先,在專業能力不足下無益益銷售,最好走虛擬經銷。 四、運動彩券法源來自公益彩券發行條例,即使明訂盈餘分配的運用方式,仍有潛在爭議,需事先做好溝通工作。 關鍵字:運動彩券、發行、管理


Lack of sports funding from the government has been a problem for a long time, which affected the advancement of sports related affairs and Taiwan’s competitiveness in the world sports arena. Taiwan will follow other industrialized nations in issuing sports lottery based on their success of raising funding for the advancement of sports affairs. The objective of our study is to identify the close-up problems of the issuing and management of the Taiwanese government issued sports lottery. The issuing part will focus on the technicalities issues of law-making, while the management part will focus on the issues of the distribution and use of gained profit. The method used in this study is qualitative research related to analysis from previous studies. The analysis results and recommendations are as follows: 1. Responsibilities of different parties will be confounding if the laws and regulations from the Public Welfare Lotto were adopted. Therefore, amendments to the previous laws must be implemented. 2. The issuing organization of the sports lotto must be selected by the Ministry of Finance in order to avoid controversy and fraudulent practices. 3. The selection of sellers must be no other than the 3 principal groups similar to the Public Welfare Lottery. However, when the sellers are unable to adequately distribute lotto, an internet-based sale will be more appropriate. Although the profit distribution and its use may be clearly expressed in the laws and regulation of sports lotto derived from the Public Welfare Lotto, there may be potential controversy. Therefore, prior clarification through communications is necessary. Keywords:Sports Lottery, Adoption, Management


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