  • 學位論文


The reading motivation model and issue of public junior high school libraries in Taoyaun county

指導教授 : 陳昭珍


本研究主要在探討桃園縣立國民中學學校圖書館(室)推動閱讀之模式與問題,並依據研究結果提出結論與建議。基於研究問題背景與研究動機歸納出下列四項研究目的: 一、瞭解桃園縣國民中學校長及圖書館(室)負責人推動閱讀之理念。 二、瞭解桃園縣國民中學學校圖書館(室)推動閱讀的現況。 三、瞭解桃園縣國民中學學校圖書館(室)推動閱讀模式。 四、瞭解桃園縣國民中學圖書館(室)推動閱讀之困境與解決策略、展望及期許。 本研究依據文獻探討與實際訪談,綜合歸納出下列研究結論: 一、學校行政人員認同閱讀是所有學習的基礎,推動閱讀之重要性。 二、桃園縣各校係依據「深耕書田追求卓越計畫評鑑要點」及「閱讀桃花源計畫」積極推動閱讀,學校圖書館(室)是推動閱讀教學支援中心。 三、桃園縣國民中學學校圖書館(室)推動閱讀之閱讀模式 (一)營造舒適的閱讀空間,館藏、館室設備,提供學生最佳閱讀空間。 (二)健全學校圖書館(室)推動閱讀的組織結構,以有限的人力,分工合作,創造無限可能。 (三)活化館藏資源,結合社會文化機構人力、物力共同推動閱讀。 四、桃園縣國民中學學校圖書館(室)推動閱讀之困難與解決策略、展望與期許。 (一)推動閱讀之困難與解決策略: 1.學校圖書館(室)是專科教室,非行政組織,負責管理人力不足,應就校內教師遴聘據相關圖書知能教師協助管理圖書館(室)。 2.國民中學學校圖書館(室)開放時間,無法配合學生的需求,應結合校園圖書志工,彈性安排圖書館人力,延長開放時間。提高圖書館服務。 (二)推動閱讀之展望與期許。 1.學校圖書館(室)推動閱讀之經營方針 (1)圖書館提供圖書閱讀教育的場地,完善的館藏,精緻的設備,舒適的閱讀空間。 (2)依法聘任合格圖書專業人員,落實發揮學校圖書館功能。 (3)增編圖書館購買電腦及其他圖書設備經費,營造更優質的學習環境。 (4)成立圖書館榮譽志工制度,達到閱覽室全年開放使用時間,滿足學生需求,提供師生共同進修最佳環境。 2.學校教師配合學校圖書館(室)推動閱讀之作為 (1)行政及國文領域教師研討推展學校閱讀活動,廣納意見後共同擬定長期閱讀推廣計畫。 (2)國文領域教師規劃閱讀推廣及引導寫作、創意的閱讀課程,推展閱讀風氣,增進語文學習與教學效能。 (3)辦理教師閱讀教學指導研習,以提升教師閱讀教學能力。 (4)積極落實圖書館利用教育,提升閱讀風氣,建立書香校園。 關鍵詞:學校圖書館、閱讀


學校圖書館 閱讀


This paper highlights the reading motivation model and issue of public junior high school libraries in Taoyaun county; the conclusion and recommendation are made according to the research result. Based on the background of research issue and motive, four research purposes are concluded as follows: I.Understanding the concept of reading motivation by Taoyuan county public junior high school principals and person in charge for libraries II.Understanding the status of reading motivation of Taoyuan public junior high school libraries III.Understanding the model for reading motivation IV.Understanding the difficulties and resolution strategies, prospect and expectation. This research generalizes the following conclusions on the basis of documentation research and practical visit: I.Administration personnel agree that reading is the fundamental of all learning, and the importance of reading motivation. II.Taoyuan public junior high school library is the support center of reading motivation learning. Visited Schools in Taoyuan based on The Assessment of the Coltivation on the Field of Reading&the Pursuit for Brilliant Achievement and The Project of Reading to actively engage in reading motivation. III.Model of reading motivation of Taoyuan public junior high school library 1.Create comfortable reading space, books and library related resources and equipment, offering best reading environment. 2.Full-functioned school library promotes reading organization structure. Based on lim 3.ited resources to create infinite possibilities by divide and cooperation. 4.Make the library resources alive and integrate the social cultural system to promote reading together. IV.Difficulties and resolution,prospect and expectation of Reading Motivation of Taoyuan public junior high school library : 1. Difficulties and resolution of reading motivation: (1)Library is college classroom; not administration organization. When the management resources is insufficient, library-management experienced teachers should be hired to assist the library management. (2)Junior high school library opening hours cannot match student's need. It should utilize the library volunteers to extend the opening hours.and promot the library service. 2. Prospect and Expectation of reading motivation (1)School library’s responsibility for reading motivation a.Library provides reading education site, complete storage, fine equipment, and comfortable reading space. b.Based on policy, hire qualified library personnel and elaborate school library's functions practicably. c.Increase budget for library's computing systems and other facilities to create a better learning environment. d.Establish library honored volunteering system and student's achieve full year open time for reading room to satisfy student's requirement and provide the best environment for teachers and students to study together. (2)School teachers’ responsibility for reading motivation a.Administration and Chinese language teachers research discuss and promote school reading activity. They accept the opinions and plan for a long term reading promotion plan. b.Chinese language teacher plan the reading promotion and induced-writing, creative reading classes in order to promote the reading atmosphere and improve the language learning as well as teaching efficiency. c.Conduct the lecture guidelines for teachers in order to enhance reading lecturing abilities. d.Library should practicably utilize education to upgrade the reading atmosphere and establish reading-preferred school. Key words:Public junior high school library、reading activity




林惠敏(2011)。國中生使用學校圖書館之研究 —以S國中為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.01374
