  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 洪仁進博士


本研究主旨在瞭解臺北市國民中學語文領域英語科教師對學校組織文化知覺程度與知識分享意願。因此,針對不同背景英語科教師在組織文化知覺程度及知識分享意願上的差異性進行了解,並以此了解學校組織文化對教師知識分享意願之間之影響。 本研究係以國民中學英語科教師爲研究對象,相關文獻探討為本研究之立論基礎,並以英語教師各種背景為基本變項,組織文化為自變項,知識分享意願為依變項設計各施測量表,採問卷調查法進行量測,共發放300份問卷,回收之有效卷223份。經以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關及迴歸分析方法等統計分析獲得幾項結論如下: 一、臺北市國民中學英語科教師對學校組織文化知覺為中上程度,其中以「支持型文化」較高,其次是「創新型文化」、「科層型文化」。 二、臺北市國民中學教師知識分享意願屬中上程度,其中以「分享個人知識」之意願程度較高,其次是「鼓勵他人學習」、「分享學習機會」。 三、臺北市立國民中學英語科教師依其年齡及服務年資的不同,會對學校組織文化知覺程度有明顯差異。 四、臺北市立國民中學英語科教師依其年齡、教育程度、職務及服務年資的不同,而在知識分享意願上有明顯差異。 五、臺北市立國民中學英語科教師對學校組織文化知覺程度與個人知識分享意願關係具有中度正相關,其中,又以「支持型文化」與「創新型文化」具有較高預測力。 最後,本研究根據上述結論,針對教育行政機關、學校、教師及後續研究等四方面提出建議,以供參考。


The research mainly aims to realize the recognition degree of the organizational culture and the willingness of knowledge sharing among the Learning Domain of English Language in Junior High School in Taipei City. Therefore, the research is conducted to find out the difference among different background junior high school English teachers for the organizational culture and the willingness of knowledge sharing, and to probe the correlation if the organizational culture influences knowledge sharing among teachers. This research is based on documents review, and the junior high school English teachers are the primary objective. The teachers’ background is basic variable, and the organizational culture is independent variable. The willingness of knowledge sharing is dependent variable. This research is conducted by questioners survey; totally 300 questionnaires had been delivered, and 223 of them are effective. All samples were analyzed by Independent-Sample t test, One-way ANOVA (analysis of variance), Person’s Analysis of Correlation, and Regression Analysis. Some conclusions are drawn from the research. Five results had been made as follows: 1.The recognition degree of the school organizational culture among the junior high school English teachers in Taipei City is on a high-intermediate level. The highest recognition is supportive culture, and the second highest one is innovative culture, and then bureaucratic culture. 2.The willingness of knowledge sharing among the junior high school English teachers in Taipei City is on a high-intermediate level. The highest recognition to sharing is sharing personal knowledge, the second one is encouraging learning, and the third one is sharing learning opportunities. 3.The recognition degree of school organizational culture is variable based on the difference of age and seniority. 4.The willingness of personal knowledge sharing is variable based on age, education, position and seniority. 5.The connection of the recognition degree of the school organizational culture and the personal knowledge sharing among the junior high school English teachers in Taipei City is medium; furthermore, supportive culture and innovative culture indicate the higher prediction power. At last, the suggestions for junior high school administrations, schools, teachers, and the improvement of the follow-up research are made for reference.




陳虹伶(2016)。團隊成員互動對於創造性績效之影響 – 以知識分享意願為中介變數〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0360722
