  • 學位論文

視覺設計應用於地方文化創意產業之創作研究---- 以宜蘭意象文化商品為例

Creatively Applying Visual Design to Local Cultural Industries

指導教授 : 康台生 教授


具有地方特色的文化商品,近來隨著旅遊活動的蓬勃發展而漸受矚目,也由於政府正有意仿效世界各國,積極推動文化創意產業的政策,而受到關注;宜蘭因北宜高速公路完工啟用,與台北及中南部通車時間大幅縮短而帶來車潮、人潮,也帶來了錢潮。而文化創意產業往往隨觀光旅遊人潮而興起,或因文化活動而興盛;為因應這股趨勢,本研究以宜蘭意象及文化特色為題,探討藉由視覺設計應用於文化商品的手法,讓商品因文化內涵及設計美感表現而達到加值加溫作用,進而將遊客的消費意向與文化商品做連結,期能為地方文創產業的發展盡一綿帛之力。 本研究將透過研究流程漸次歸納及分析;首先經由文獻探討來瞭解文化創意產業在全球受到的重視及各國採取的相關策略,以及文化創意產業的特性和所製造的產值效應。而宜蘭歷史文化發展、意象特色的探尋及宜蘭文化創意產業現況分析則可提供文創工作人員及業者的參考;從個案分析可得知文化應用得宜,不僅能感動人心,提升產品美感價值,增進族群形象亦能創造龐大產值;最後本研究以視覺設計手法將宜蘭文化特色應用於便條紙、便箋、T恤、隨身杯、磁鐵、杯墊、馬克杯等具實用性的商品創作開發上,除驗證研究流程的理論外,也希望藉此能略盡增添宜蘭文化商品的新意與人文特質面貌,進而達到拋磚引玉之效。在將創作理念付諸商品量產化的製作流程中,因與代工廠商在委製的運作過程中得到一些實務的心得與經驗,因而提出個人一些建議及提供有意從事於此領域的後續研究者進一步研究探討的方向。 關鍵詞:文化商品、宜蘭意象。


文化商品 宜蘭意象


With the recent growth in tourism, and the government's intention to follow the examples of other countries in promoting the industry, local cultural merchandise are gradually coming under the spotlight. The completion of National Highway No. 5 has brought a substantial influx of traffic, crowd, and money to Yilan, and creative cultural industries have often followed the rise of tourism and cultural activities. In this paper, we shall discuss the image and cultural characteristics of Yilan. We shall explore the application of visual design to cultural merchandise. Improvements to cultural and aesthetic characteristics can greatly increase the value and popularity of a product. Making cultural merchandise available to tourists would also encourage growth in local industries. Through research, we shall analyze then gradually draw conclusions. First documentations shall be discussed to understand the importance of creative cultural industry, its characteristics, value of output, as well as strategies adopted by various countries. The history, cultural development, image characteristics, and current status of the creative cultural industries in Yilan, are useful reference material for cultural creators and industries alike. Case studies show that the proper use of culture not only can move the audience, but also enhance product aesthetics. Enormous benefit can result from raising the image of ethnic groups. Finally the visual design techniques shall be put to use. We shall apply the cultural characteristics of Yilan to the development of actual products like note paper, T-shirts, tumblers, magnets, coasters, and mugs. Other than to verify our theories, we also hope to bring new qualities to Yilan's cultural merchandise. While attempting to put creative ideas into mass production, I have gained some practical experience dealing with OEM manufacturers. As a result I will be able to share some of my personal recommendations for those who are interested in further researching this area. Key Words: Cultural Merchandise; Image of Yilan


Cultural Merchandise Image of Yilan


9. 徐惠隆 著,2009,《走過蘭陽歲月》,台北,常民文化事業股份有限公司
4. 中華民國設計學會編,2002,《2002年設計學術研究成果研討會論文集》,台北,中華民國設計學會
1. 陳國政,2005,《台灣博物館之賣店生態與文化商品研究》,成功大學藝術研究所未出版之碩士論文
