  • 學位論文


Public Museum and Integrated Marketing Communication~ A Case Study of the National Museum of History’s 50th Year Anniversary Exhibition

指導教授 : 陳雪雲


摘要 本研究基於觀察國內博物館普遍存在的行銷現況而產生研究的動機,博物館因運用良好的整合行銷傳播策略不僅能吸引更多觀眾、開發資源、籌募經費等利益,更幫博物館建立起其特定的形象。 觀察目前博物館參觀觀眾確有普遍下降之趨勢,博物館從業人員勢應更重視博物館行銷傳播等各方面資源整合之重要性;根據文獻資料得知:博物館的整合行銷傳播係以觀眾的觀點為出發點,在執行過程須整合所有可用的資源,運用觀眾可能接觸的傳播工具以傳送有效的訊息,方能達到最大的傳播效果,進而達到館方預期的行銷目標。 本研究以文獻探討方式提出思考博物館的「整合行銷傳播」研究架構更應做一跨領域的資源整合,以國立歷史博物館之行銷工作為個案研究之對象,瞭解其博物館行銷之現況與問題所在,進而以國立歷史博物館50週年館慶的兩個展覽-「台灣生活館-家具之美」與「王朝秘寶-古中原考古文物」做為研究、分析與比較的案例,以探討兩個展覽在宣傳方面的執行狀況與成效,並探討其改進與發展的空間。 本研究主要以訪談法與問卷調查法蒐集資料;在經過分析與探討之後,最後提出綜合的結論與相關建議,期望能作為國內博物館在進行博物館行銷策略工作及後續相關研究之參考。


Public Museum and Integrated Marketing Communication~ A Case Study of the National Museum of History’s 50th Year Anniversary Exhibition Abstract This research aims at exploring the general situation of marketing employed by the public museum. The strategy of integrated marketing communication including position and targeting, and product, price, place and promotion, even audience research are examined in order to evaluate its effectiveness concerns about not only the attraction of audience, resources and sponsorship, but also to blend the museum image. Recently there is a decrease of museum visitors, therefore the museum staff should pay more attention to the importance of different dimensions of integrated resources, and one of crucial dimensions is marketing communication. A multi-method research including interviews, questionnaires and document analysis is conducted by this research to study the museum marketing. When executing the strategy, a museum must utilize all the possible resources, and all the possible Medias that visitors might encounter to effectively deliver the museum’s key messages. Only then would the museum reach their desired goal with maximized communication effect. This research brings out the topic of “Integrated Marketing Communication of Museums” by the discussion of other research documents, and comes to the conclusion that museums could improve their strategy of integrated marketing communication by cross-field resource integration. This case study focuses on the marketing department of the NMH (National Museum of History). After further understanding of the current marketing condition and problems of the NMH, the core research was done on comparing and analyzing the two exhibitions of NMH:“Life of Taiwan Exhibition Hall—The Beauty of class Furniture ” and “Treasures from the Central Plain of Ancient China”. The research report analyzes the practice of advertising, and suggests possible methods of improvement and possible future opportunities. The final conclusion and suggestion are given according to the analyses and discussion of the data. Hopefully, this research report can be used as a reference for future development of museum marketing strategy, and further research.




