  • 學位論文


The relationship between curricular consciousness and pedagogical praxis of junior high school music teachers

指導教授 : 吳舜文 博士


本研究旨在探討國中音樂教師對於課程意識與教學實踐之看法與其是否會 因背景變項的不同而有所差異,並說明其課程意識與教學實踐之間的關係。依 據相關文獻,就「專業覺知」、「自我覺知」、「環境覺知」三層面以自編之 國中音樂教師課程意識與教學實踐關係調查問卷加以探討,並進行背景變項, 並以臺北縣市隨機抽取75所學校的國中音樂教師為研究對象,共得有效問卷 207份。所得資料使用SPSS 13.1 For Windows套裝軟體進行統計分析,統 計方法包含描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相 關。研究結果獲得以下結論︰ 壹、國中音樂教師在「專業覺知」、「自我覺知」和「環境覺知」三個層面中 皆具有高度的課程意識。 貳、國中音樂教師在「專業覺知」與「自我覺知」層面之教學實踐程度較高, 而「環境覺知」層面實踐程度偏低。 參、不同性別、年齡、教學年資與任教學校地區之國中音樂教師在課程意識上 有顯著差異;不同學歷、畢業科系類別與任教學校規模則無差異。 肆、不同任教學校地區之國中音樂教師在教學實踐上有顯著差異;不同性別、 年齡、最高學歷、畢業科系類別、教學年資和任教學校規模則無差異。 伍、不同課程意識之國中音樂教師在「自我覺知」層面,會對教學實踐形成顯 著差異;在「專業覺知」、「環境覺知」則無顯著差異。 陸、國中音樂教師之課程意識與教學實踐具有正相關。 本研究最後根據研究結論提出各項建議,以供實務應用及未來研究之參 考。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between music teachers’ curriculum consciousness and pedagogical praxis, along with the difference of different background variables such as sex, age, the highest educational background, major, teaching seniority, school size level and school area . According to the literature review, three dimensions, “awareness of professional knowledge”, “awareness of self”, and “awareness of environment”, were discussed and a total of 207 public junior high school music teachers in Taipei were selected as samples. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson Product-moment Correlation. The findings of the study were summarized as follows: 1.Junior high school music teachers had higher degree of curriculum consciousness in the dimensions of “awareness of professional knowledge”, “awareness of self”, and “awareness of environment”. 2.Junior high school music teachers had higher degree of pedagogical praxis in the dimensions of “awareness of professional knowledge” and “awareness of self”. As for the “awareness of environment”, while they had relatively lower degree of pedagogical praxis in the dimension of “awareness of environment”. 3.There were significant differences in junior high school music teachers’ curriculum consciousness concerning sex, age, seniority, and location of schools. As for other background variables, none significant difference was found. 4.There were significant differences in junior high school music teachers’ pedagogical praxis concerning location of schools. As for other background variables, none significant difference was found. 5.There were significant differences in junior high school music teachers’ pedagogical praxis concerning their different curricular consciousness in the dimension of “awareness of self”. As for the other two dimensions, none significant difference was found. 6.There were significant correlations between curricular consciousness and pedagogical praxis of junior high school music teachers. Finally, some suggestions for teachers, schools, teacher education, and educational officials were proposed according to the results.


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