  • 學位論文


A Study on Users' Search Behavior on Video Sharing Website

指導教授 : 卜小蝶


隨著數位影音科技的普及與網路寬頻的成長,愈來愈多使用者利用網路影音分享平台搜尋、觀賞、分享、保存影音。這類影音分享平台不僅提供豐富多元的影音資源,同時也兼具資源分享的社會性特色,相較於一般以關鍵字檢索為主的文字型網頁搜尋方式,缺乏足夠文字說明的影音資源,不僅搜尋度頗高,同時也可能使用不同的檢索方式;此外,影音分享平台所呈現的各類相關推薦或評論資訊,常能促發使用者在檢索過程中,進一步探索及學習所需影音的相關資訊或內容。因此本研究之主要目的在探究使用者之網路影音檢索行為特性,並嘗試分析使用者之探索性與社會性檢索行為特性。 本研究主要採用問卷、實驗、訪談等方法。研究對象包括18位具有影音資訊需求者。問卷法主要用來分析受試者背景以及評估其探索性檢索行為;實驗法則是實際觀察受試者之影音檢索歷程,以及比較不同類型任務之檢索行為差異;此外,訪談是透過不同檢索活動進一步了解其檢索行為,包含起始、瀏覽、觀看等。主要研究結果包括:受試者之主要影音查詢動機為掌握熱門話題,而其動機則以休閒娛樂為主。有關一般檢索行為特性,使用關鍵字檢索的比例較瀏覽影音類別高;使用者常同時開啟多重視窗觀看不同影片,除因影音下載需等待時間外,也有助其同時評估及選擇影片。就其瀏覽之影音類別,受試者除考量影音內容的主題相關性外,具推薦性影片常是其主要的選擇範圍,例如熱門、推薦、相關影片等,顯示其檢索行為受到社會性資訊的影響;主要原因為希望瞭解目前熱門流行之影音,同時也希望透過他人或系統的推薦,獲取品質較佳或更符合其需求之影音。受試者除主動以關鍵字搜尋及瀏覽影音,也會利用多元管道來監看感興趣的最新影音動向,例如連結影音網站的特定上傳者,及特定新聞網站、網路論壇、個人部落格等。受試者常有探索性搜尋及資訊偶遇經驗,例如不具特定目的隨意瀏覽時,會受到一些文字或圖片的吸引而進行探索;或針對感興趣的主題希望查深、查廣,甚至查詢不到影音時,皆會促使其瀏覽更多未預期的影音及連結其他與影音有關的網路資源。 根據上述結果,本研究也針對網路影音分享網站之系統設計與服務提出改善建議,包括提供更多具推薦性之影音分類及社會搜尋功能;提升個人化服務功能,如能整合使用者所使用之社群網站;加強探索性檢索功能之支援,如提供追蹤特定影片系列,評估影音品質之工具等設計。


With the rapid development of video technology and web bandwidth, more and more user watch, share, search, and save video by online video sharing websites. These video sharing websites not only have abundant video resources but also social characteristics. Compare to text resources, video resources don’t have enough text to search. So that video search is more difficult than text search. Maybe the video search behavior is also different from text search. Further, video sharing websites often have much social information, including recommended, comments information etc. The social information usually facilitates more learning and exploring activities. So this study aims to investigate the users’ search behavior on online video sharing website, also the exploratory search and social search behavior. The research methods include questionnaire, experiments, and interview. This study has18 subjects who have video search need. The questionnaire analyzes subjects’ background and their exploratory search behavior. The experiments tend to observe video search progress and investigate the differences between different tasks. The interview in order to understand variety search activities progress, for example, beginning, browsing, view, etc. The results are as following. In terms of video search motivation, there is a dominant trend that users want to keep up with popular videos. In terms of general video search behavior, keyword search is the main function than browsing. The users usually open several windows to watch different videos. It is not just because the loading time, but users want to evaluate the video’s quality. The major browsing categories of video are always the categories which are recommended by others. The users like to monitor new video information by variety way, for instance, linking to video provider, specific forums, and blogs. It shows that users affect by social information and have a lot of social search behavior. In addition, users also have some expletory search and information encounter experiences. For instance, when browsing, users will attracted by video’s title or images, then start to explore more. Users tend to search deeply and widely when they are interested in. Our findings are compared to results from video search behavior. Implications for the design of online video sharing website’s services and interfaces are discussed.


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