  • 學位論文

Justin TV網路影音直播平台使用行為研究

The Research Of The Audience Of Justin TV

指導教授 : 王嵩音


網路影音直播平台作為一個新興的網路媒介平台,能讓使用者將自我相關的影音資料以現場直播的方式即時呈現給觀眾,資訊呈現方式有別於以往研究著重的Youtube或部落格等網路媒體,具有其即時互動的特殊性,而其中Justin TV平台的繁體中文使用者人數在這兩年間持續成長。國內過去較少針對此一新興平台進行研究,因此本研究嘗試以量化與質化的方向分別了解Justin TV使用者的使用行為,試圖勾勒出使用者的在此平台上的樣貌,藉由初探性的研究,期望能提供未來網路媒介研究新的發展面向。 本研究在量化的部分探討Justin TV使用者持續使用此平台的意圖,因此引用持續使用模式作為量化部分的研究架構,並加入知覺娛樂性變項,以了解持續使用模式是否能在這樣新興的網路媒體平台上獲得驗證,藉此找出影響使用者持續使用該平台的因素。而在質化部分,則引用表演觀展典範與劇場理論,分析Justin TV使用者透過此平台自我展演的過程,並以狂歡節理論介紹平台中熱門頻道的情境氛圍,最後從中分析此平台具有什麼特殊性是有別於其他媒體的。 本研究在量化部分以網路問卷調查法進行研究,共回收825份有效問卷,資料結果發現,Justin TV使用者以學生族群居多,網路使用時間較國人平均為多,對Justin TV的黏著度也很高,使用方式上以電玩、娛樂類頻道為主,而男性的使用時間則顯著高於女性。而在假設檢定上,研究發現假設中提出的變項皆會影響Justin TV使用者持續使用意圖,各變項中影響程度最高的是滿意度,第二高的是確認程度,第三高的則是知覺有用性,第四高的則是知覺知覺娛樂性。 質化部分以深度訪談法進行研究,共訪問6位受訪者,研究結果發現實況主在頻道中會塑造出比平常的自己更幽默、開朗或誇張的形象,以獲得觀眾的支持。實況主會對個人隱私有所保密,以避免觀眾和線下的自己接觸,成名之後素人實況主也會受到意想不到的壓力。觀眾在頻道中也為了吸引實況主回應而會展現幽默、有趣的自己,而使得頻道中的樂趣是由實況主與觀眾在互動中共同產生的,形塑出滑稽可笑、粗鄙與低俗的集體氛圍。由素人自製的頻道內容充滿不確定性,未經縝密規畫卻帶有更平易近人的特質,與Youtube相比,此平台的實況主與觀眾間有更多的互動性與不確定性。 關鍵字:影音直播平台,Justin TV,持續使用模式,自我展演,狂歡節理論


Internet live video broadcast platform is a new internet media platform. It allows User to show self-related video data live to the audience. With the particularity of its instant interaction, the Information presentation is different from Youtube or blogs and other Internet media that previous studies focused on. And the number of Chinese users on Justin TV grows up continuously in the past two years. There is less research for this emerging platform in the past. This study attempts to understand the behavior of the user on Justin TV by emplying both qualitative and quantitative methods. A modified model was adopted from Post-Acceptance Model to explore the continued use intention of Justin TV users. For the qualitative part, this study used the Spectacle/ Performance Paradigm and the Dramaturgical Theory to analyze the process of self-performances of the users on this platform. The Carnival Theory was also used to investigate the atmosphere of the popular channels in this platform. Finally, this study also tried to compare Justin TV with Youtube. Totally 825 users were surveyed through the Internet in this study. The results showed that most users are students, who spend more time on Internet than average Internet users. Video games and entertainment channels are the most frequently used channels. Besides, male users spend more time than female uses. The study found that all the independent variables will affect the intention of continued use. Satisfaction was the most powerful independent variable, followed by Confrimation, Perceived Usefulness, and Perceived Playfulness. Six broadcasters were interviewed to collect the qualitative data., The result showed that the broadcaster will create a self-image with the sense of humor, in order to obtain the support of the audience. Broadcasters will also keep their personal privacy in order to avoid harassment. The content of the plateform are co-produce by the Broadcaster and the audience. They collectively shaped the funny and vulgar atmosphere in the channels. When compare with Youtube , there are more Interactive and uncertainty between broadcaster and audience. Keywords: internet live video broadcasting platform, Justin TV, Post-Acceptance Model, self-presentation, Carnival Theory


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