  • 學位論文


The Origins of Professional SimultaneousConference Interpretation in Taiwan-The Experience

指導教授 : 陳子瑋教授


現代會議口譯源自第一次世界大戰後各國政府間之政治協商,而第二次世界大戰後,審判戰犯之紐倫堡大審為會議同步口譯發展重要里程碑。此外,國際組織的發展,也促進世界會議口譯成長。在全球化的現今社會,國際會議召開日益頻繁,會議同步口譯也隨之蓬勃發展。 不似歐美國家,臺灣沒有多語環境,也不是政治強國,鮮少召開國際協商會議,會議口譯發展沒有跟上世界的步伐,其開始性質也有別於其他歐美國家的政治因素,故值得學者進行本土相關研究以和世界接軌。本研究先描述世界會譯口譯起源及早期發展,再將研究目標縮小在臺灣,以口述歷史為主要研究方法,透過訪談當時參與臺灣會議同步口譯發展相關人物之描述,追溯與紀錄臺灣會議同步口譯之起源,並對臺灣口譯未來展望提出建議。


Modern conference interpretation originated from the inter-governmental negotiations after the World Ward I. The Nuremburg Trial after the World War II was a significant milestone for the development of simultaneous conference interpretation. The growth of the international organizations around the world also enhanced the development of the conference interpretation. In the globalized world, international conferences are held more frequently and that also helps the growth of the simultaneous conference interpretation. Unlike the Western countries, Taiwan is neither a multilingual environment nor a political heavyweight. Few international conferences were held in Taiwan. As a result, the development of the conference interpretation in Taiwan did not follow the world trend. Therefore, it is worth of investigating the origins of conference interpretation here in order to connect to the world. This thesis begins by depicting the origins and early development of the conference interpretation in the world and then focuses on Taiwan. By adopting the oral history methodology to interview people involving in the early development of the simultaneous conference interpretation in Taiwan, this thesis aims to trace and record the origins of the simultaneous conference in Taiwan. In addition, this research also provides suggestions for the future development of the conference interpretation in Taiwan.


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