  • 期刊


The Professionalization of Interpreting in Taiwan: A Critical Review of Tseng's Model


Joseph Tseng(1992)依據社會學對職業╱專業的研究提出口譯專業化模型,從第一階段的市場紊亂(market disorder)到最後第四階段專業自主,其中每個階段均有其指標性的發展結果。教育部於2007年底與2008年初舉辦第一屆中英翻譯能力檢定考試,其中口譯考試部分僅就應試者之短逐步口譯及長逐步口譯能力進行測試,儘管如此,此一認證考試的舉辦業已引發各界對口譯及其培訓工作的好奇與興趣。其實在此考試之前,臺灣天主教輔仁大學翻譯學研究所與國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所早於2004年起就舉辦一年一度的口譯聯合專業考試,而且將該考試通過與否和學生畢業、取得碩士學位逐漸脫鉤,亦即將此聯合專業考試的定位提升至兩所主辦的專業認證考試。本文將檢視臺灣口筆譯產業第三與第四階段專業化指標之進度,其中包括就口筆譯培訓機構主辦之專業認證考試與政府主導的翻譯能力考試做初步比較,分析兩紙證書所代表之意涵,以及此等考試對臺灣口譯產業專業化發展的影響。最後並依據過去十多年來臺灣口譯產業實際發展現況,對Tseng的社會學專業化模型提出若干修正建議。


According to Joseph Tseng's 1992 model of the professionalization process in reference to conference interpreting in Taiwan, there are four phases, beginning with market disorder and ending with professional autonomy, which is often realized through licensure. In fact, since 2004, the Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation Studies (GITIS), Fu Jen Catholic University and the Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation (GITI), National Taiwan Normal University, have begun to organize an annual joint professional diploma examination in conference interpreting. Over the years, both Institutes have gradually moved to delink their students' performance in the joint professional examination and their graduation with a master's degree. In other words, the joint professional diploma examination is now positioned as an independent accreditation test organized by two of Taiwan's most prestigious institutes in the field of interpreter and translator training. At the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008, the Ministry of Education (MOE) held the first English-Chinese Translation/Interpretation Examination. The examination in consecutive interpretation, both short and long, has aroused much debate about and interest in the interpreting profession. This paper believes the said joint professional examination and the MOE examination can be considered accreditation tests, which, according to Tseng's model, are one of the important milestones in the professionalization of the interpreting sector. This paper therefore attempts to review the progress that Taiwan's conference interpreting sector has made toward professionalization during the past decades. Efforts are also made to compare and contrast the two examinations in terms of the significance of diplomas/certificates and implications for the professionalization of interpreting in Taiwan. Finally, based on the aforesaid review, the author proposes a few changes to Tseng's sociological model.


臺灣翻譯學學會(無日期)。About us。2009年4月12日,取自http://tati.org.tw/?page_id=2


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