  • 學位論文

陳雷小說《鄉史補記》中ê Siraya文化

Research on Siraya Culture in Tan-lui ‘s Fiction

指導教授 : 李勤岸


本文利用陳雷小說內8个家族遷徙路線,觀察kap追蹤Siraya族群經過被殖民ê過程目前猶保存ê文化現象;Tī族群意識ê敏感政治議題中,台語文學出現作者以Siraya風土民情成做寫作題材來寄託民族感情,內容指出關係Siraya族ê祖靈信仰、牽曲、尪姨做向、生命禮儀等濟濟ê本族文化,透濫道教ê鬼神觀念、西方ê基督教義、新港文書等文化元素了後,形成1个多元文化ê記事。小說討論族人tī公廨ê阿立祖祭祀習慣,並無因為族群ê生存條件受著外族迫害iah是遷徙ê因素,來切斷族人 ê信仰根源,失去本族文化tī歷史上ê連紲性。 文化關係1个民族生存ê重要性,陳雷收集以Siraya相關 ê鄉史書寫故鄉欠缺ê記憶,以民族意識對弱勢族群ê自我認同產生關懷,表現台語文學尊重人性以外ê另外一面重要使命。本文透過小說ê文化論述kap部落聯盟ê「傳統夜祭」田野調查,綜合分析Siraya ê宗教變遷、風俗習慣kap祖靈信仰等本族文化特色,tī世界文化資產保存ê論述之下,應該要緊建構族群信仰系統ê完整性,提昇族群復振運動ê核心價值,才有才調活化Siraya人文教育ê內涵,兼對台灣多元族群主體性ê發展有所貢獻,達成Siraya平埔族獨立ê中心目標。


This paper uses migration routes of eight families in Tan-lui’s fiction to observe and track cultural signs preserved at present after Siraya Minority was colonized; among sensitive political issues under minority consciousness, writings using local conditions and customs of Siraya as the topic have ever emerged to show attachment to emotions of the minority in Taiwanese literature, and they indicated that source cultures such as ancestral worship, diou-ou-lau, Inibs ritual and funeral ceremony or whatever are combined with cultural elements including belief of supernatural beings of Daoism, western Christianism, Shin-Gang script and etc. to form a multivariate cultural portrait. The friction describes that people’s memorial ceremony for Arit in Kuwa has been kept not to cut off the religious root of people and lose the succession of source cultures in history even when survival of the minority are threatened by other minorities or in case of migrations. Culture is vital because it relates to survival of one ethnic group. Tan-lui collected township histories related to Siraya and described the historic portrait missed in his hometown, gave care to self-identity of weak minority with minority consciousness, and presented another mission besides respect for humanity in Taiwanese literature. This paper comprehensively analyzes cultural features of the minority such as religious changes, local conditions and customs, ancestral worship and etc. through cultural discussion of the fiction and annual field survey of traditional nocturnal sacrifice by the union of tribes. Under the condition of world culture preservation, integral belief system shall be constructed rapidly for the minority to enhance the core value of revitalization movements of the minority, thus activating the implications of humanistic education for Siraya, making contributions to development of subjectivity for multiple minorities in Taiwan, and achieving the independence goal of Pingpu Tribe of Siraya.


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