  • 學位論文


The Relative studies on C0llege Taekwondo Players Cognition and Behavior Martial Virture in Taiwan

指導教授 : 程瑞福


本研究主要目在瞭解臺灣大專院校跆拳道甲組選手武德的認知與行為之現況、分析不同背景大專跆拳道選手對武德的認知與行為之差異、相關性及預測情形。採問卷調查,以臺灣大專院校跆拳道甲組選手為對象,以普測方式進行問卷,回收率為98.37%,有效樣本242份,填答結果以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費法進行事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、同時迴歸等進行比較與分析,獲致研究結果如下: 一、跆拳道甲組選手,男較女佔多數。從國小開始參與練習與參加國內性 比賽是常態,段位參段和練習年資是六年以上,大專入學方式以獨立招生為主。 二、男女選手對於武德認知與行為表現並無差異,對武德知行合一,表現 出中上程度。國內級選手較國際級選手對於武德是有差異且高於國際級,但是國際級選手重視禮節高於國內級比賽選手。但高中階段加入訓練、二段段位選手、年資淺對武德較重視、表現極佳。 三、大專甄審入學選手,對武德的實踐,因參與國際比賽增加視野而更加 重視。 四、大專院校跆拳道選手的武德認知與行為,在之預測性有高度正相關, 其中武德認知項目的「價值觀」、「比賽目標」、「比賽尚義」、「比賽崇 禮」對於武德行為表現擁有較佳的預測力。


跆拳道 武德 甲組選手


The main objective of this research is to understand the present situation of college Taekwondo players’ cognition and behavior of martial virtue in Taiwan, and analyze the differences, relevancies, and asumption of the cognition and behavior of martial virtue. The questionnaire uses a general survey to investigate the college Taekwondo players. The rate of return is 98.37%, 242 effective samples. The information on the questionnaires are compared and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe method, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis, with the following results: 1. The majority of the players in college are generally men more than women. It’s common for players to start to practice and compete in the taekwondo games while they were in elementary schools. Players who have the qualification of 3rd Dan of Taekwondo and six-year apprenticeship at least don’t usually use the Joint Entrance Examination of College. They use independent recruiting system to enter the college. 2. Male and female players display no difference to the martial virtue cognition and behavior. Their performance of the martial virtue is above the average. Players in Taiwan have more intensive martial virtue than international players. But the international players pay more attention to the courtesy of games than the players in Taiwan. However, the beginning players of 2nd Dan Taekwondo ,who joined the practice during senior high school pay more attention to martial virtue, and usually perform extremely well. 3. Players who enter college by special admission focus more on the realization of martial virtue because they join the international games and it helps to broaden their view. 4. The questionnair results of the cognition and behavior of the college players are highly related to the assumption that the more they learn about the martial virtue, the better behavior they have. Among the cognition survey items, the value approach, the goal of the game, the justice of game, and the courtesy of the game prove it the most. Keyword:Taekwondo, martial virtue, first-lever player


Taekwondo martial virtue first-lever player


