  • 學位論文


An Investigation on the Situations of the Junior High School Bands in Yilan County

指導教授 : 吳舜文


本研究旨在瞭解宜蘭縣國民中學管樂團發展現況,以其設管樂團之四所學校二百八十二位學生及六位指導老師為對象,就組織及運作、教學及訓練、學生學習等層面進行及訪談調查,並進一步探析不同背景學生對管樂團看法之差異。研究方法採訪談法及問卷調查,以次數分配、百分比、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數暨質性資料編碼等進行分析,具體結論如下: 壹、管樂團組織及運作現況:1.皆依據宜蘭縣推廣國民中小學管絃樂教育計劃而成立。2.師資多為外聘且行政多由活動組負責及音樂老師協助組訓,且有組織健全的家長後援會。3.招生方式多採口頭、文宣或到學區內小學演奏進行宣傳。4.經費來源為縣補助款及向學生收取團費。5.多擁有專用教室,樂團編制多為六十至七十人,設備大多齊全但大部份樂器已屬老舊。 貳、管樂團組訓現況:1.合奏及分部課程一週一次,遇有重大演出及競賽則利用假日加強練習,於寒、暑假時間有安排集訓課程。2.常用基礎教材為3D Band Book、Foundations For Superior Performance。會依學生程度、音樂會或競賽性質而選曲。3.教學方法大致相同,先加強長音及基礎練習,再進行曲目訓練。4.表演及競賽活動非常活躍,每年固定舉辦成果發表會,學校、社區及縣鄉鎮各級政府相當重視。5.指導老師認為表演可增加團員經驗、台風,提昇團隊向心力及練習原動力;部分老師認為競賽為個人技術或音樂表現提升的有效方式,但部分老師認為比賽會抹煞學生學習興趣,而僅重成績會失去競賽的意義。6.組訓共通問題為學生來源不足。 參、管樂團學生學習現況:1.大部分學生參加動機頗高亦持正面態度。2.多數學生會主動聆聽並喜愛練習之曲目。3.大部分學生自認管樂技能學習狀況良好。4.大部分學生對表演及競賽持正面態度。5.大部分學生認同團隊規範。6.多數學生除學校規定外均會主動練習。7.多數學生畢業後若有機會均願繼續參加。8.女生於參加動機高於男生而男生於曲目學習、技能學習、表演及競賽高於女生。9.一年級於參加動機高於二年級學生。10.不同樂器及額外樂器學習經驗對管樂學習之意見未達差異。11.擁有樂器學生在整體及參加動機、表演及競賽層面具有差異。12.國小曾參加管樂團者於團隊規範層面得分高於未參加者。 根據研究結論,研究者並針對指導教師、學生及未來研究提出具體建議。


This research purposed to understand the development of junior high school bands in Yiland County. Two hundred and eighty students along with six tutors in four schools were chose as subjects. Questionnaire survey and in-depth interview were used to collect the data thus the results and conclusions through quantitative and qualitative analyses were stated as follows: I. The situations of the organization and operation were: 1) Bands were all established under the law of local promotional plan. 2) Tutors were all external and were assisted by internal music teachers along with a strong support from parents’ organizations. 3) Oral, paper, and performing were ways of enrolling new students. 4) Budget was support by the governments and partly from students themselves. And 5) ensemble rooms, allowed sixty to seventy members, were reserved for the use of bands’ training by schools along with equipments those were mostly out of use. II. The Situations of the training were: 1) Ensemble and branch courses were once a week and intense courses were arranged to enhance while performances or contests. 2) Usual training materials were 3D Band Book and Foundations for Superior Performance. 3) Teaching methods were pointed to prolonged sound and basic materials before musical pieces. 4) Performances and contests were quite active regularly every year and were much valued by schools, communities, and the county government. 5) Tutors thought that it could enhance the members’ experiences, stagecraft, cooperation, and wills of practice through performing and participation in contests, but over and inappropriate ones would frustrate the students. And 6) the common problem was the insufficiency of new members. III. The Situations of the students’ learning were: 1) Students had high motives and positive attitudes. 2) Most students preferred listening to the practicing songs and enjoy it a lot. 3) Most students thought that they played the instruments quite skillfully. 4) Most students had positive attitudes toward performances and contests. 5) Most students agreed to the group regulation. 6) Most students would actively practice instruments after school 7) Most were willing to join bands after graduation. 8) Girls had higher motives than boys to join bands and boys were superior to girls in repertoire studying, skills practicing, performance, and contests. 9) Seventh graders had higher motives than the eighth graders. 10) Musical major instruments and additional musical instrument learning experiences of students had no differences in their opinions. 11) Owning personal instruments had differences in the whole dimension and sub-dimensions such as “motives of joining bands”, “performances and contests”. And 12) There were differences of group regulations in students who ever joined bands in primary schools or not. According to the conclusion, some suggestions were proposed about the training of bands, and future studies. Keywords: wind bands of junior high schools, training of bands, learning motive




