  • 學位論文


A study on the analysis of causal compound sentences in biology textbook and on students’ reading comprehension

指導教授 : 林陳涌


本研究旨在從漢文中關聯詞語衍生的因果類複句角度,為七年級自然科教科書作文本分析,並從分析過程中歸納因果句閱讀理解能力,探測學生的閱讀理解情形。 教科書雖為學生學科知識的基本來源,但經由文本分析後發現教科書編撰者皆用科學語言方式做文本敘述,尤其是在因果類複句上的表現。生物教科書中因果類的關聯詞語在因果複句的使用上有相當的複雜度,並且文本句中還有型式(1.果因型,2.多因一果,3.一因多果4.交錯因果5.遞進因果)與層次(一重、二重因果句與三重因果複句)之分,加深了學生在學習上的障礙。 根據研究者在文本分析過程,對照閱讀理解理論中的能力,發展出研究工具,測得學生在因果複句閱讀理解中1.因果句判斷力,2.關聯詞語圈選力,3.因果句對應力,4因果句型式判別力與5.因果句層次判別力的表現,此五項因果句能力用學科能力迴歸考驗,發現國文能力都具有顯著的解釋度與影響力,數學能力僅對後三項能力有顯著情形;而後再引用閱讀理解理論將此五項因果句能力中分成識字解碼與語言理解兩類,檢覈「閱讀簡單觀點模式」中所建議之閱讀理解方程式,發現相加方程式具有最顯著的解釋度與影響力,顯示中學自然學科閱讀理解中識字解碼與語言理解已漸漸獨立並有累加的情形;而後再用多元迴歸以及階層迴歸分析方法,發現兩類五項因果句能力對閱讀理解程度的解釋度與影響力已偏重在語言理解部分;最後,根據本研究所得結果、討論與結論,對未來研究,教學現場的教師以及教科書編撰者提出建議。


The purpose of the present study was to analyze the content of the science text book for 7th-grade students. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the casual compound sentences which are derived from the Chinese conjunction. This study also explored student's reading comprehension (R) of the casual sentences while analyzing sentences. Text books are the primary source for students to acquire knowledge. However, this study discovers two things: 1) Science jargon/ scientific terminology are used in the sentences of the text book, especially in the causal compound sentences. In the biology text book, Chinese conjunctions with casual relationship used in the causal compound sentences are written in a very complex way. Furthermore, there are five different sentence patterns and three different levels of complexity: i) effect-cause pattern, ii) many causes with one effect, iii) one cause with many effects, iv) interlaced causes and effects and v) causes and effects appeared successively, i.e. one effect will be another cause leading to another effect; one-fold, twofold and threefold causal compound sentences). 2) Student's learning is hindered by the above-mentioned. The questionnaires were designed by referring to the analyzed text and the “reading comprehension theory”, and employed to test the reading comprehension skills regarding the causal compound sentences. Five performances were revealed by the reading comprehension test: 1. ability to determine the causal sentences, 2. ability to choose the Chinese conjunction, 3. ability to deal with the casual sentences, 4. ability to differentiate those sentence patterns, and 5. ability to differentiate the different levels of the causal sentences. In addition, the five performances were examined by using regression analysis of academic subjects. The following are the findings of this study: 1. Chinese ability brought significant impact on all the five performances, while Math ability had certain level of influence on the 3rd, 4th and 5th performances. 2. The five performances were classified into two types, D (decoding) and L (language comprehension) by using “reading comprehension theory”. 3. Sum formula (R=D+L) showed its remarkable effect on understanding students’ reading comprehension by referring to the R (reading comprehension) formulae proposed by the Simple View of Reading. 4. It was found that D is more independent of L for junior high school students, however, R=D+L remained the best in explaining R. 5. The two types of comprehension and five performances have laid more stress on language comprehension with regard to reading comprehension by further utilizing the multiple regression and hierarchical regression analysis. At last, according to the findings, discussion and conclusion, recommendations to further research, classroom teachers and writers and editors of the text book were made.


秦麗花、邱上真(2004):數學文本閱讀理解相關因素探討及其模式建立之研究~以角度單元為例。國立台南大學特殊教育與復健 學報,12,99-121。


