  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 姚榮松


《食新娘茶講四句》是傳統的良風善俗,在喜氣洋洋的日子裡,「講好話才會得人疼」,全場在「拍笑詼(講笑話)」歡樂喧鬧的氣氛中,帶著親友們滿滿的祝福,一對新佳偶走入人生嶄新的旅程。這是台灣人最有「台灣心、台灣情」表現的場域,用「四句仔」向新娘「討冬瓜」、「討手巾」、「討物件」、「鬧洞房」等等,處處展現「台灣俗民文化」的風采。 從歌仔冊在台灣語言發展史上的版本探討;深入歌仔冊的用字,先以全面華語解釋「字意」,再用姚榮松教授(Rong-Song Yao,Ph.D.)1995〈閩南語書面使用漢字的類型分析〉理論,來做「借音(漢)字」的統計分析,證明先民的智慧能力(能運用約500個認識的漢字去閱讀的能力);「食茶講喉韻,做詩講押韻」、「無韻不成詩」,歌仔冊的押韻是文本精華所在,而韻腳定位法,可歸納出方言腔的屬性,「語言風格詞」更是展現地方語言特色之處;在欣賞編者換韻優雅之際,用田野調查方法,尋適當發音人,來段仿原音重現,讓「語音文字化」呈現於書面文獻上。 由台灣娶嫁禮俗中,去了解「食新娘茶講好話(吉祥話)」文化意涵,透過婚儀的流程,讓參與婚儀場合的親友們,不只是媒人,都會運用「四句聯」來傳達他們的關心及祝福,讓這種良風善俗永遠在台灣這塊樂園上,留傳下去。 「話是風,字是踪」,了解歌仔冊是台灣珍貴的文化資產,身為母語教師的筆者,如何將歌仔冊「歌仔」韻文的美和台灣閩南語語文教育結合,做好有意義的台灣文化傳承。「同中求異」、「豐富化」、「活潑化」是筆者想呈現論文的特質。


“Drink Bridal Tea and Recite Four-Line Verses” is a traditional Taiwanese custom. On a joyful wedding day, “speaking auspicious words will make people like you.” The newlyweds embark upon a new journey of their lives, with their families’ and friends’ good wishes in a joyous atmosphere where everyone is bantering with each other. The site demonstrates Taiwanese ethos and folk culture, in which people use “four-line verses” to ask a bride for winter melons, handkerchiefs and other objects, as well as tease the bride on her wedding night. To explore the development of Taiwanese dialect, the meanings of the characters in “Folk Songs” are explained in Chinese. After that, borrowed words with Chinese characters, with the same or similar sounds, are analyzed using the “Category Analysis of Written Southern Min Dialect Borrowed from Chinese Characters” by Rong-Song Yao, Ph.D. (1995). It proves our ancestors’ high intelligence (the ability to read with the knowledge of approx. 500 Chinese characters). “Drinking tea emphasizes mellowness; writing poems emphasizes rhymes”; “Poems cannot be composed without rhymes.” Rhymes are the crème de la crème of “Folk Songs.” The attributes of the dialect can be integrated using the rhyme-positioning method. Furthermore, the “linguistic style terms” can even demonstrate the characteristics of the local dialect. While appreciating the graceful changes of rhymes in the folk song, the author of this study also found a suitable person, using a field survey, to revive the folk song, which is complementary to written literature, by means of “verbalizing speech sounds.” The cultural connotations of “drinking bridal tea and speaking auspicious words” are grasped from the angle of Taiwanese wedding customs. Following the wedding procedure, the bride’s and groom’s families and friends, as well as the matchmaker, give their love and wishes to the newlyweds with “four-line verses.” The good intentions will allow the custom to be passed on in Taiwan. “Verbal words are wind; written words are tracks.” Folk songs are valuable cultural assets of Taiwan. As a Taiwanese dialect teacher, the author of this study intends to pass on meaningful Taiwanese culture by combining the beautiful rhymes of “Folk Songs” with Taiwanese dialect education. “Seeking differences in the same qualities, diversity and liveliness” are the desirable characteristics of this study.




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林碧珠(2013)。礁溪褒歌研究及其教學應用 ──以《扒龍船》歌在國小教學之應用為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0801201418032664
