  • 學位論文


Analysis and Teaching of the Modern Chinese Verbal Suffix ZHE

指導教授 : 鄧守信


由於「著」位於動後,佔時態位置,且常與動前「在」搭配出現,因而早期被學者們誤解為進行態。如:高銘凱(1948)、王力(1958)、趙元任(1968)。現在學者如戴耀晶(1991)、龔千炎(1995)等認為「著」附加以後使動詞產生持續的語義,故稱動後「著」為持續態。我們認為漢語沒有進行態標記,只有時態動詞「在」及表持續語義的持續態標記「著」。 時態的語義及語法表現和動詞息息相關,因此本論文藉由Comrie(1976)時態的框架,相較於完成態的定義下,探討漢語未完成態的範疇「著」。並根據漢語動詞本身的獨特性,採Teng( 1974)動詞三分的理論來分析動詞搭配的分布現象,同時進一步釐清「著」與「在」的時態角色差異,以界定「著」的語法結構及功能。 「著」是持續態標記,其核心語義為持續,具有延長動詞作用時間的特性。在句法層次上分為表動態持續的「著1」及表靜態持續的「著2」。表現出來的具體語法形式有「在+V+著」、存在句、狀語句三大類。「著」同時也是狀語標記,並還有兩種語法角色。一是狀態化的功能,二是去動化的功能。 最後,我們根據「著」的句法分布及特性,分析動後「著」的學習難點並提出語法排序及教學策略上的建議。


時態 未完成態 存現句 去動化 持續


As Zhe is a verbal suffix which often appears with preverbal Zai, in the early period it was misunderstood by scholars as imperfective, Gao (1948), Wang (1958), and Chao (1968). Nowadays scholars such as Dai (1991), Gong (1995) think that the addition of Zhe has a semantic reading as continuous, therefore this verbal suffix is called imperfective. We believe that there is no mark of present continuous tense in Chinese but the combination of Zai and Zhe. Tense and verbs are closely related semantically and syntactically. This paper studies the definition of imperfective in the framework of tense, Comrie (1976), in order to discuss the Chinese Zhe. Teng’s theory (1974) of verbs in three types is also used to analyze the distribution of verbs, furthermore to clarify the role of temporal differences between Zai and Zhe, and to define the grammatical structure and function of Zhe. Semantically, Zhe denotes continuous, with the property of the extended duration of an action. Syntactically, it can be verbal and static imperfective, so it can be demonstrated in three types: Zai + V + Zhe, presentative sentences, and adverbial structures. In addition, Zhe is also an adverbial mark which has two grammatical roles, the stative one and the deactivated one. Finally, according to the syntactic distributions and characteristics of Zhe, the difficulties in learning it are analyzed, learning order and teaching strategies are proposed.


Chen,Chung-yu(1986) Constraints on the “V1-zhe…V2”structure JCLTA:Vo1.1 P:1~20
Comrie, Bernard(1976) Aspect: An Introduction to the Study of Verbal Aspect and Related Problems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Teng, Shou-hsin(1983中譯本) A Semantic Study of Transitivity Relations in Chinese.Berkeley:University of California Press
