  • 學位論文


Self-Concept of adolescents with visual impairments

指導教授 : 張千惠


本研究以質性研究取向,探討視覺障礙青少年的自我概念。研究者透過和兩位視覺障礙青少年及其家長、老師與同儕互動,以半結構的方式進行訪談,並輔以相關文件、研究者日誌、觀察記錄等方式蒐集資料。經過資料的分析與詮釋,研究者從「社會自我概念」、「學業自我概念」、「情緒自我概念」與「身體自我概念」四部分,討論兩位視覺障礙青少年的自我概念情形。研究結果與發現如下: 一、兩位研究參與者自我概念的同異處: 在社會自我概念中,兩位視覺障礙青少年在(1)對家人的信賴、(2)會想為了滿足家人期待而努力、(3)尋求同儕認可、(4)不敢對同學表達心底感受,有著相當類似的看法。兩人的主要差異則是在於交友積極度差別甚大,宜慧對交友的態度積極主動,小柔則是害羞退縮。 在學業自我概念上,兩位視覺障礙青少年都顯示(1)對文科較有自信、(2)相當在意考試結果,以及(3)願意為了未來更好的學業成就付出努力。兩人的差異點在於(1)學習成就表現不同,宜慧從國小到國中在班上的排名維持在中等以上,小柔則是持續落居末端。(2)學習態度殊異,宜慧積極面對學習,正向看待學習挫折;小柔的學習態度較為消極,討厭一切學科都用考試來作評比。 在情緒自我概念中,兩位都展現(1)對外人有禮且表現得體,以及(2) 情緒容易被升學考試影響而感到焦慮的共同特色。在差異性部分,兩位的(1)情緒控制能力差別甚大,宜慧不論面對家人或外人,都能展現穩定的情緒控制能力;小柔則是在面對家人時偶爾會情緒失控,面對外人時總是維持一貫的安靜與沉默,而他們的(2)負向情緒的轉換能力與方式也是各有特色。 在身體自我概念部分,兩人都表示(1)對身材不滿意、(2)想維持良好的外在形象、(3)渴望獨立行動的看法。兩人的主要差異在於對長相的自信程度不同,宜慧認為自己長相尚屬中等,小柔則是認為自己長相不佳。值得注意的是,從研究中發現兩位視覺障礙青少年的身體自我概念,深受明眼人社會的思維觀念影響,讓他們對於自己的身材、長相、外表形象等身體自我概念的評價,都跟明眼人社會有著相同的評價標準。 二、影響視覺障礙青少年自我概念之因素: 1. 個人方面,兩位研究參與者的自我概念受到「個人認知」及「學業表現」的影響。 2. 家庭方面,受「父母傳承的觀念」、「父母教養態度」、「家庭社經地位」及「家庭支持網絡」的影響。 3. 同儕與師長方面,兩位研究參與者的自我概念常會受到同儕、師長的反應影響。 最後,研究者針對研究結果與發現提出協助視障青少年發展正向自我概念,及未來研究方向的具體建議,以供相關實務工作與未來研究參考。


The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the self-concept of adolescents with visual impairments. The researcher interviewed and interacted with two adolescents with visual impairments, their parents, their teachers and peers to collect data for two years. The results were as follows: 1. The similarities between their academic self-concepts are as follows: they depend on their families, doing their best to meet parental expectations, searching for acceptance from their peers, and hiding their real feelings. The difference is their positive attitudes in making friends. 2. The similarities between their social self-concepts are as follows: they are confident with language skills, social studies and geography, concerned with grades, and study hard to achieve their goals. The differences are as follows: their academic achievement, and attitudes regarding learning. 3. The similarities between their emotional self-concepts are as follows: they always chat with strangers politely, and feel anxious about exams. The differences are as follows: their emotional intelligences, and their abilities to reverse their negatives into positive mentalities. 4. The similarities between their physical self-concepts are as follows: they are unsatisfied with their body shapes, desires to maintain good body images, and to also act independently. The difference is the self-evaluation of their appearance and related self-confidence. Especially, the evaluations of their physical self-concepts in regards to the current social norms. 5. The result shows what factors may affect the self-concept of adolescents with visual impairments, including cognitive development, academic performance, perception of their parents, parental bonding, family socio-economic status, family support network, and interaction with peers and teachers. Finally, the study offers suggestions on how to help adolescents with visual impairments to develop a healthy self-concept and provides further research directions.


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