  • 學位論文


The perspectives of university music majors’ learning experiences toward music learning and growth

指導教授 : 吳舜文


本研究旨為探析音樂系學生對音樂學習成長於學習經驗之觀點。依據文獻探討,本研究所指音樂學習成長為個人於音樂學習成長歷程中之學習態度、學習動機、人格與健康,學習經驗係指家長教養方式、主修教師人格特質與同儕行為特質。此外,本研究另探討修習不同主修、就讀不同學校體系、不同音樂班就讀背景等背景變項,是否構成學生對音樂學習成長於學習經驗之觀點的差異。研究者以立意抽樣方式,選取於2010年註冊於臺北縣市公私立音樂系二、四年級生為研究對象,有效樣本為238份。研究者以自編問卷—「音樂系學生對音樂學習成長於學習經驗之調查問卷」,進行研究資料的蒐集,並運用次數百分比、平均數、成對樣本t檢定、皮爾森相關、單因子變異數分析以及LSD事後多重比較等進行分析。具體研究結果如下: 壹、學生對學習態度於學習經驗多持同意觀點,顯示其認同學習經驗對其音樂學習成長歷程中之學習態度具有影響 貳、學生對學習動機除於家長教養方式為持普通意見之外,其餘均持同意觀點,顯示其認同家長教養方式對其音樂學習成長歷程中之學習動機較不具影響 参、音樂系學生對人格層面於學習經驗多持同意觀點,顯示其認同學習經驗對其音樂學習成長歷程中之人格具有影響 肆、學生對健康層面除於同儕行為特質為持普通意見外,其餘均持同意觀點,顯示其認同同儕行為特質對其音樂學習成長歷程中之健康較不具影響 伍、不同主修學生對學習動機與人格層面之觀點有差異,就讀不同學校體系學生對學習態度與人格層面之觀點有差異,而不同音樂班就讀背景學生對音樂學習成長於學習經驗之觀點不具差異 本研究依據研究結果,對學生本身、家長、主修教師與未來研究等四方面提出建議。


The purpose of this study intended to investigate the perspectives of university music majors’ learning experiences toward music learning and growth. Based on literature review, music learning and growth was pointed to one’s learning attitude, learning motivation, personality, and health; learning experiences was about parental rearing, music major teacher’s personality characteristics, and classmates’ behavioral characteristics. Furthermore, this study also inquire whether music majors who studying in different majors, studying in different system of university, and having been educated from musically talented program or not have difference in their perspectives about their music learning and growth. Using purposive sampling, this research sampled sophomores and senior students from universities with music departments in Taipei areas, 238 samples in total. The questionnaire used in this study was designed by researcher. Results showed as follows: 1. Most music majors are agree that parental rearing, music major teacher’s personality characteristics, and classmates’ behavioral characteristics had some effect on their learning attitude. 2. Music majors are agree that music major teacher’s personality characteristics and classmates’ behavioral characteristics had some effect on their learning motivation, holding ordinary opinion about parental rearing having effect on their learning motivation . 3. Most music majors are agree that parental rearing, music major teacher’s personality characteristics, and classmates’ behavioral characteristics had some effect on their personality. 4. Music majors are agree that parental rearing and music major teacher’s personality characteristics had some effect on their health, holding ordinary opinion about classmates’ behavioral characteristic having effect on their health. 5. Music majors in different majors have different perspectives about their learning motivation and personality; music majors studying in different system of university have different perspectives about their learning attitude and personality; music majors having been educated from musically talented program or not have no different perspectives about their music learning and growth. According to the results of this research, some suggestions are proposed for the students, parents, music major teachers and future studies.


吳武典(1997)。國中偏差行為學生學校生活適應之探討。教育心理學報,29,25 -50。
