  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Higher Technical and Vocational Education School Systems between Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 莊謙本 陳聰勝


本研究旨在比較兩岸高等技職教育學校制度的異同,特別針對培育目標與學設計進行分析比較。研究方法主要採用貝瑞岱比較教育研究法,將兩岸技職教育歷史文獻與現行學制作並列比較,以提供教育主管部門與技專校院規劃兩岸交流與招生的參考。   本研究經比較分析後,歸納出下列三項主要結論,分述如下: 一、臺灣高等技職教育僅有《專科學校法》規範出培育目標,然而技術學院與科技大學,迄今尚無專法規範,大陸則以《職業教育法》涵概各級技職教育培育目標。 二、臺灣的技專校院,專科學校僅包括二專與五專,技術學院與科技大學則可開設二技與四技,並得附設二專或五專。大陸則分為高等專科學校、職業大學與職業技術學院,均為培育專科層次的學制,修業期以三年制為主,五年制次之,並未授予學士學位。目前僅遼寧省試行四年制本科學制,可授予學士學位。 三、臺灣技專校院主要招收技職體系的高職、附設職業類科之高中與綜合高中專業學程畢業生為主,普通高中生次之,已形成專業學習的一貫體系;而大陸高等職業院校皆以招收高中生為主,中等專業學校、職業高中與技工學校等畢業生次之。其中後三者之報考人數不得超過當年度5%的畢業人數,造成中等技職學校畢業生被迫就業,而高等技職校院學生缺乏專業基礎。


The purpose of this study is to compare the school system of higher technical and vocational education(TVE) between Taiwan and Mainland China in terms of the goal and system structure. The Bereday's comparative method was used to describe the differences between two sides of Taiwan Strait after reviewing historical document and present education system. Some main points were concluded as the followings: 1.Only “Junior College Act” has been set for Junior colleges in Taiwan, no other Act was set for other higher TVE institutions. But in Mainland China, "Vocational Education Act" has been promulgated for all kinds of TVE including their goals and conduction. 2.In Taiwan, the higher-level TVE includes junior colleges, colleges of technology, and universities of science & technology. Later two categories are 4-year school system, they offer opportunities for 2-year and 5-year junior college graduates and TVE high school graduate. But in Mainland China, both higher junior college, vocational university (or institute) and vocational technology institute (or polytechnic) are of junior college level school system. No bachelor degree is offered for 3-year or 5-year graduate. Recently, only Liaoning province inaugurated a pilot study for 4-year undergraduate level TVE school systems with bachelor degree. 3. The TVE system of Taiwan consists of middle-level TVE and higher-level TVE. The middle-level TVE includes the Technical Skills programs in junior high school, senior vocational schools, Professional Programs in general high schools and/or the vocational programs in comprehensive high schools; the higher-level TVE includes Junior colleges, colleges of technology, and universities of science & technology. It has been formed a complete school system. But in Mainland China, most higher TVE institutes enroll general high school students, only 5% from secondary specialized schools, vocational senior high school and mechanic schools. It forced most TVE high school graduate to work right after their graduation and the students in higher TVE institute lack of expertise background.


