  • 學位論文


The Study of “Arts & Gender”Curriculum Development and Evaluation: Process Construction from the Initiate of Creating Conscious, Ideas, into Practice

指導教授 : 陳瓊花


本研究旨在發展一個「藝術與性別」之課程,以藝術教育與性別教育的課程理論內涵為基礎,透過自我省思的創作歷程建構,結合課程理論內涵發展教學概念,並進行藝術與性別的課程設計與教學實踐。本研究採用行動研究法,研究對象為新北市某公立國中一年級共29名學生,在試探性教學及課程修正之後,以「藝術與性別的奧秘」單元課程,進行為期八週十六節課的正式教學。研究資料的蒐集為教室觀察紀錄、學生訪談、前後測問卷、學習單、心得回饋單、教學省思札記等,以質性研究的方式進行資料的整理、比對與分析,藉以了解學生的學習情況、教學的成效,並做藝術與性別課程的評估與修正。 根據本研究課程實施的結果,歸納如下的結論: 一、「藝術與性別」課程之理論、內涵 綜合後現代藝術教育的觀點,藝術與性別課程應檢視、批判、反思藝術與性別所交錯的各種現象,包括知識的建構、意義的產生、與權力的關係等。課程內涵應包括藝術的學科特質與知識內涵,融入相關性別議題及連結學生的生活經驗,教師扮演「自覺者」、「省察者」之角色,帶領學生從個人經驗、知識文化與社會脈絡的連結中,批判、解讀藝術與性別的建構真相與背後意涵,最終目的是透過藝術與性別議題的思考,建立學生的性別意識,並對其未來性別生涯發展有所幫助。 二、「藝術與性別」之創作歷程 以藝術與性別議題作為思考的創作,是結合自我經驗、理論知識及反省實踐之表現,在本研究的課程設計及教學概念發展中,研究者的的創作除了能檢視自我的性別意識,其實踐歷程及作品成果,也可作為教材研究的材料及養分,經由A/r/tography理論中「藝術家/研究者/教師」三者身份的融合與轉換,將藝術與性別之經驗及意識,傳遞與學生,引導其進行藝術與性別議題的思考,除了使學生深刻感受藝術與性別的內涵及重要性,更促進與學生之間的互動與情感經驗的交流。 三、「藝術與性別」之課程設計 以藝術教育知識內涵、性別議題、學生的生活經驗作課程內容的統整,教學概念配合學生能力指標進行發展,教學策略為「討論教學法」及「探究教學法」,能提升學生發現知識、自主學習的能力。評量方式採取多元化,以學生學習檔案來評量學生學習成效及檢視其性別意識。 四、「藝術與性別」課程之教學實施成效 根據課程實施結果及學生的回饋反應,經由藝術與性別課程的鑑賞及創作教學,提升了學生的藝術鑑賞及認知能力,並且透過創作省思自我的性別經驗及性別意識,課程啟發學生對自我、他人、周遭環境、社會文化進行觀察、檢視與批判,並將其思考運用至未來的生涯發展中。從研究結果可推估,藝術與性別課程實施的有效性及可行性。


This study aims to develop an “Arts & Gender” curriculum, which is based on the theory of art education and gender education to establish its teaching concepts. The researcher designs and practices the “Arts & Gender” curriculum, and makes students go through a self-reflective creation process. This study adopts the action research method. The study objects are 29 junior one students from a public junior high school in New Taipei City. After the pilot study and refinement, the researcher held a formal teaching of the curriculum named “The Secrets of Arts and Gender” in 8 weeks, 16 classes. The method of data collection includes recording of classroom observation, students’ interviews, pre-test and post-test, students’ feedback sheets, and teacher’s reflective journals. By applying qualitative research to compare and analysis these data, the author can get students’ learning situations and teaching effects to assess and refine the “Arts & Gender” curriculum. From this study, the conclusions are drawn below: a) The theory of “Arts & Gender” curriculum According to the concepts of postmodern art education, the “Arts & Gender” curriculum should understand, analyze, and reflect the effects caused by art and gender, including the construction of knowledge, the formation of meaning, and the relationship with authority. The content should include the feature and the knowledge of art, combining with gender issues and students’ life experiences. The teacher should play the role of a self-conscious and reflective person, leading students to understand and criticize on the construction of arts and gender from their self-experience, culture, and social environment. The goal is to help students establish their gender consciousness and improve their future career development. b) The creation process of “art & gender” The creation of arts and gender combines self-experience, theoretical knowledge and self-reflection. By designing curriculum and developing teaching concept, the researcher can inspect his/her own gender consciousness by the creation; through the integration and switching of “artist/researcher/teacher” these three roles based on A/r/tography, the process and achievement of the creation can be used as teaching materials to impart arts and gender experience and consciousness to students, leading them to think about the arts and gender issue. The students can understand the importance of arts and gender, and exchange their affections and experiences with each other. c) The curriculum design of “Arts & Gender” The curriculum integrates the theory of art education, gender issue, and students’ life experiences. The teaching concept matches with students’ competence indicators. The teaching strategies, which are discussion method and inquiry teaching method, can help students be autonomous learners. The assessment is diversified. The students are assessed by their portfolios so that the teacher can know their learning condition and gender consciousness. d) The effect of the teaching of “Arts & Gender” According to the operation result and students’ feedback, the “Arts & Gender” curriculum helps develop students’ art appreciation and cognitive competence. Students reflect their own gender experiences and consciousness through creation. The curriculum inspires students to inspect and criticize themselves, others, environment, and even the social culture. The reflection can be useful in their future career development. The result of this study shows the validity and feasibility of practicing the “Arts & Gender” curriculum.


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