  • 學位論文


Truth-related Expressions in Taiwanese Southern Min

指導教授 : 張妙霞


本研究從言談及語用的觀點探討台灣閩南語與事實相關的副詞,研究根據十二個小時的自然語料,對「真e」「真正」「有影」「誠實」「實在」「正經」,文中的研究分為三類:事實描述、表達情意及人際互動。事實描述方面,是用來確定一個事件和事實的真實性、用來和虛構的事件作為對比、或強調自己言論的真實性、去除聽者對說者描述的疑慮。表達情意方面,是用來強調說者的評價性言論的強度。雖然事實描述也會產生強調的功能,但是表達情意詞的強調,其真實性是不能由上下文推斷出來或被證實的。表情達意功能可以用來增加評價的強度,或者提高述語的程度,特別的是事實相關詞如「實在有影」也可用來表達苦惱或憤怒、甚至和特殊句型toh或khah搭配後,有表示讓步的意味。人際互動方面,可用來表達對說者言論的評價,例如:表示驚訝或者同意,和動詞「講」形成搭配字可以成為一種規避詞,說者在發表可能會接受挑戰或者較誇大的言論之前,使用的溝通技巧。   臺灣閩南話的事實相關詞和英文及中文事實相關詞相似,已經發展成多於描述事實的用法,常常用來增強評價的強度,甚至事實相關詞本身獨立存在就可以代表一種評價,臺灣閩南話事實相關詞的發展和中英文不謀而合,而閩南話事實詞的表現由於構句或者詞性較少的限制,而有更多的變化值得探索。


閩南語 事實相關 有影 實在 正經 真正 真e 誠實


This thesis explores six TREs in TSM and their various functions in TSM conversation. The discourse-pragmatic functions are categorized into three: truth-describing, expressive, and interactive. Truth-describing TREs are employed to assert an event or a fact, make a contrast with an unreal scenario, justify the speaker's claim, and negate any doubts from the listener toward the statement made earlier. In contrast to descriptive TREs' truth-reporting function, expressive TREs are used to express subjective and evaluative meanings. The truth-value of the proposition can not be verified from the discourse. They serve emphasizer, upgrading, exasperation, and concessive functions. Emphasizer TREs are used to strengthen the force of the predicate. Upgrading TREs elevate the degree of the gradable predicate. Expressive TREs can express a person's exasperation such as sit-chai u-iann. What's more, collocating with limiting marker toh and comparative khah, TREs do not boost the meaning; instead, they become a way of showing concession. Interactive TREs can serve as a responsive token or a prefacing device. A free-standing TREs plus a UFP can especially be used as a responsive token. They are used to express emotions such as surprise or unexpectedness or express agreement. When a TRE collocating with a verb of saying kong, it serves like a hedge, prefacing a statement containing counter-expectedness of the interlocutor. TREs in TSM, similar to TREs in English and Mandarin Chinese, are more than truth-related or emphasizing meanings. They themselves become an evaluation. TREs in TSM has developed with more versatility due to less syntactic constraints, which deserve further investigation.


TSM truth adverbial u-iann sit-tsai tsing-king tsiann-sit tsin-e tsin-tsiann


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