  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 廖隆盛


從1995年到2005年的這十年中,海峽兩岸,即臺灣與中國大陸的歷史課程標準與歷史教科書,都有著自1949年以來最大的變動。 臺灣方面,自解嚴之後,社會日漸開放多元,大中華的民族意識日益褪去,本土文化逐漸受到重視,於是自87學年度開始有了《認識臺灣(歷史篇)》的課程,這是首次出現獨立而完整的臺灣歷史教材。緊接著四年後強調能力培養、統整教學的九年一貫課程登場,臺灣的國中歷史教育出現了新的局面。 中國大陸方面,歷史教育的改革在這十年裡腳步未曾停歇,不論是教學目標還是教科書內容都有著明顯的改變。 本研究以臺灣和中國大陸各三種版本的歷史教科書為例,先討論其所根據的課程標準(或稱綱要、大綱)中,教學目標和授課時數的變化。然後在中國上古史部分,分別就篇幅章節、教材內容、意識型態與評價等三個面向對各版本教科書進行分析,然後予以對照,呈現出教科書量和質方面變動的內涵。 最後再將臺灣與中國大陸歷史教科書的變化情形,仍分成三個面向比較,以探究在這十年中,兩岸的國(初)中歷史教學,在教科書的內容方面有著怎樣的改變。 關鍵字:課程標準、歷史教科書、九年一貫、教材比較、中國上古史


In the past ten years from 1995 to 2005, people in Taiwan and in Mainland China had experienced the greatest change on the standard of history courses and its textbooks since 1949. As far as Taiwan is concerned, since the martial law was ended, therehas been diversification in society day by day, the national consciousness of Great China has faded away at the same time, and local culture has been emphasized gradually. Therefore, people in Taiwan developed the course “About Taiwan (History)”in 1998,which showed the independent and complete materials of Taiwan history for the first time. Four years later, Grade 1-9 Curriculumthat emphasized how to cultivate ability and integrated teaching appeared; from then on, the history education of junior high school in Taiwan arose a new prospect. As for Mainland China, the innovation of history education had never ceased during the past ten years. Not only teaching goals but the contents of the textbooks had been changed obviously This researchwill take each three kinds of editions of history textbooks from Taiwan and Mainland China for an example. First of all, we will discuss the changes of teaching goals and hours of giving lessons according to standard of courses, namely the outline. And then, for the ancient part of Chinese history, we will analyze all the textbooks based on thechapters, the teaching materials, and the ideology and evaluation. Then we give it a comparison to find out the cultivation of quantity and quality of the textbooks. In the end, we still divide the changes of the history textbooks between Taiwan and Mainland China into three aspects to inquire how the contents of them had been changed in history teaching during those ten years.


