  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 葉國樑


本研究的主要目的在於了解專科學生的低脂飲食行為現況,並探討個人背景因素、低脂飲食知識、低脂飲食態度、低脂飲食自我效能、低脂飲食結果期望、低脂飲食社會支持與低脂飲食行為的關係。以台北縣醒吾技術學院五專部之學生為研究對象,並利用自填式問卷進行資料收集,共得有效樣本696人。所得結果如下: 一、本研究對象的低脂飲食行為偏中低程度。自覺體型胖者其低脂飲食行為得分優於自覺體型瘦者。應外科學生其低脂飲食行為得分優於資管科、企管科。自覺健康狀況普通者其低脂飲食行為得分優於自覺健康狀況好的人。女生的低脂飲食行為得分優於男生。 二、本研究對象的低脂飲食知識屬中等程度。自覺體型胖者其低脂飲食知識得分優於自覺體型瘦者。低社經的低脂飲食知識得分優於中社經。 三、研究對象的低脂飲食態度偏正向。自覺體型胖者其低脂飲食態度得分優於自覺體型瘦者。觀光科低脂飲食態度顯著較資管科、國貿科為正向。 四、研究對象的低脂飲食自我效能屬偏向困難。 五、研究對象的低脂飲食結果期望得分是較偏低的。自覺體型胖者其低脂飲食結果期望得分優於自覺體型瘦者。 六、研究對象獲得家人(親戚)及朋友(同學)的社會支持皆偏低。 七、性別、自覺體型、態度、自我效能、結果期望、社會支持,共可解釋低脂飲食行為總變異量30.5﹪。 根據以上結果,建議進行低脂飲食教學,導正錯誤的飲食觀念,尤其是男同學,並運用家庭及同儕的力量來加強低脂飲食行為。未來的研究可就不同縣市地區學校,並於不同季節進行深入研究。 關鍵字:低脂飲食行為、自覺體型、自我效能、專科學生


A Study on the Influential Factors and Status of Low-Fat Dietary Behavior of the Junior College Students in Taipei county A Master Thesis By Hsieh,Yu-Chuan ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the low-fat dietary behavior of junior college students ,and to examine the relationships between low-fat dietary behavior and selected demographic characteristics,as well as knowledge,attitude, self-efficacy,outcome expectancy,social support. The study consisted of 696 subjects who were selected by using random sampling method from junior students in the Hsing Wu College.The deta were collected with a self-administered questionnaires.T-test,One-way ANOVA,Peason’s product-moment correlation and Multiple Regression were used to analyze the deta. The results of this research were as follows: 1.The subjects’ low fat dietary behavior was medium to low degree.The low fat dietary behaviors were significant correlated with perception of body-weight,departments,perception of health state,sex. 2.The knowledge about low-fat diet in the subjects was medium degree.Perception of body-weight,family social status significantly difference the knowledge of low-fat diet. 3.The subjects had positive attitude toward low-fat diet.Perception of body-weight and departments significantly difference the attitude of low-fat diet. 4.The subjects’ self-efficacy about low fat diet was difficult. 5.The subjects’ outcome expectancy about low fat diet was low. Perception of body-weight significantly difference the outcome expectancy of low-fat diet. 6.The subjects did not have much social support of low fat diet. 7.The important predictors were sex,perception of body-weight, attitude,self-efficacy,outcome expectancy and social support explained 30.5% of low-fat dietary. Base on results,this study suggests that school could guide the students to the correct dietary by teaching the low-fat dietary, especially the boys.and strengthen the techniques of low fat dietary through the social support parents and classmates.for future deepened study could be conducted in expanded areas like different cities,counties or towns in different seasons. Key Words: low-fat dietary behavior、Perception of body-weight、 self-efficacy、junior college students




