

中文摘要 研究生:竺定宇 指導教授:李晶 探索教育對企業團隊效能之影響 近年來,台灣經濟環境面臨考驗,企業處於激烈競爭的局勢,發揮團隊綜效的力量日趨重要。團隊之所以被企業寄以重望,主要是隨著團隊成員間高度的合作與協調,相應而生的效能。探索教育因其課程內涵能協助整合團隊及發掘團隊潛在問題,已受到學術界、企業界的正視。 本研究旨在探討探索教育對企業團隊效能之影響,以提供: (一)探索教育培訓者知悉實施相關課程對企業團隊效能的影響,以利施訓課程安排與規劃,期使參與者獲得最佳體驗及其認知、行為改變等目的。 (二)業界知悉探索教育對團隊效能的影響,使企業更能藉由相關課程提升公司內的合作績效、合作滿意度與團隊承諾等,並能將相關訓練成效轉移至組織中。 本研究採「實驗組及控制組前測-後測調查實驗設計」(Pre-Post test control group design)模式進行研究。研究工具則包含分兩個部份,分別為:第一部份為團隊工作狀況描述;第二部份為個人特性基本資料。研究對象為特定的觀光休閒企業之各階層人員。經實驗結果顯示,實驗組參與者在接受探索教育課程訓練後,其平均值均有提升,但僅有從主管角度觀察實驗組參與者的整體團隊效能及其各構面達顯著差異,因此本文作者建議採取質量並重或質性的研究,並延長評估時間,應更能有效評估其差異性。 關鍵字:探索教育、團隊、團隊效能


探索教育 團隊 團隊效能


ABSTRACT Student: David Chu Adviser: Ching Li The Influence of Adventure Education on Business Team Effectiveness In recent years, corporations have faced strong competition in Taiwan’s challenging economic environment. Fully utilizing the synergy of teamwork has become a very important task. Team works are highly expected by the enterprises is primarily because of the successful synergy of cooperation and coordination among the team members. Adventure Education, which can help integrate the team and detect potential problems in teams, has been seriously addressed by both academia and business fields. This research paper discusses how Adventure Education influences the effectiveness of business teams, to provide: 1. The change of the participants’ behaviors and the differences on teamwork effectiveness after attending the Adventure Education, rather than just the personal feelings or the changes of the perceptions, from the perspective of the team members. 2. The information about the effectiveness of Adventure Education on team-building, such that the corporations can, through the training classes, promote cooperation, satisfaction, commitment, then later transfer the effects of the training into the organization. 3. The directions and evaluation methods as their basis and foundation for the future investigators on Adventure Education. This research paper adopts the “Pre-test and Post-test Control Group Design” model. The experimental results indicated that although there were improvements in average after Adventure Education training, only the observances from the perspective of supervisors showed significant overall differences, but were deviated from the actual situations. After reviewing, investigating, and referring to references and other study methods, the author suggested that, for future study on the effectiveness of Adventure Education, it would be more valuable to include both qualitative and quantitative aspects for evaluating the differences and effects. Key words: Adventure Education, Team, Team Effectiveness.


Adventure Educations Team Team Effective


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