  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張柏舟


摘 要 本研究旨在探索復古風格的形成和復古設計視覺形式上的表現。透過消費者研究、藝術史、設計史相關文獻的探討,了解復古的價值、復古行為的心理分析;復古設計的特徵與發展及復古形式在視覺傳達設計的要素。 研究發現「家」是引發懷舊情緒的有效刺激,復古即是一種回歸家鄉溫暖的感覺。復古風格泛指情感或形式上的回溯和採借,而復古形式的設計並無特定風格,是隨時代、地域、文化而有所不同。 本研究發現,後現代復古形式的設計語彙與構成手法的多樣性,注重傳統文化、地方特色、民族風,甚至是復古裝飾的表現手法。而本土的復古設計,包括食衣住行育樂的生活應用,更是環繞於我們的生活週遭,是加了現代味的古早味,不難發現「復古新意」是趨勢指標。世代交替中,永遠有「時代再認同」的心理需求,也一直有「復古新主張」接踵而至。 復古會是不褪色的流行。重建「想當年,憶兒時」的場景,容易觸動心弦。本次創作六張海報,即是以個人記憶、集體記憶的歷史和童年眷戀的元素為主題,除了懷舊,還有裝飾的意圖。 關鍵字:復古、懷舊、復古風格


復古 懷舊 復古風格


Abstract This research is to discover the formation of retro fashion and visual expression of retro design. Through the studies of relevant documents in consumer research, arts history and design history, this present paper aims to explore the value of retro, psychological analysis in the retro behavior, the characteristic and the development of retro design, and the formation of retro in the visual communication design factors. The research finds that the nostalgic emotion is excited effectively that is evoked by home, and that retro is a warm feeling that is like to go home. Retro style refers to the retro and borrowing of the affections or the forms, but the formation of retro has no specific style. Since the ages, regions and cultures affect the formation of retro. The research finds that the formation of design vocabulary and the constitution technics of post-modern retro is variously. To attach importance to traditional cultures, local characteristics and the nationality fashion, more the expression technics of retro decoration. Local design of retro includes foods, clothes, residences, walking, educations and entertainments that is applications of living, more around in our living that is added old tastes of modern tastes. It is easy to find the new ideas of retro that is the index of trend. It has psychological desire forever of times-reidentification in the times exchanging. Also, a new view of retro is one after another. Retro is keeping with the times forever. It is easy to touch the heart when the sight of nostalgia in the period of child was rebuilt. The theme based on the studies of individual and collective memory of history and the factors of sentiment the child times that the author designed six posters. The purpose is to express nostalgia and decoration. Key words: retro, nostalgia, retro style


retro nostalgia retro style


