

臺北縣國民中學校長評鑑制度之研究 摘 要 本研究旨在探討臺北縣國民中學校長評鑑制度實施之相關問題,並研擬具體建議,以提供教育行政主管機關未來實施校長評鑑之參考。為達成上述目的,本研究首先採用文獻分析法,歸納整理國內外校長評鑑的相關理論與研究,包括校長評鑑的概念、評鑑的項目、評鑑的人員、評鑑的週期、評鑑的方式、評鑑結果的運用等相關內涵。根據文獻探討結果編製調查問卷,以瞭解臺北縣國民中學校長、教育行政人員、學校行政人員、專任教師及學生家長對於臺北縣國民中學校長評鑑制度的看法。 本研究的問卷調查以國民中學校長、教育行政人員、學校行政人員、專任教師及學生家長共816人為對象,實際回收728份,回收率89.21%。本研究所得資料採用量化統計處理,分別應用次數分配、百分比、平均數、t檢定、變異數分析、卡方檢定、Scheffe`s事後檢定等統計方法。 依研究結果之分析與討論,本研究結論如下: 一、校長評鑑項目的主要層面與評鑑項目均屬於非常重要程度。 二、校長評鑑項目的建構以能反應校長權責為主。 三、實施校長評鑑的人員宜容納多元化的代表。 四、校長評鑑人員的產生,宜由各相關專業團體推薦。 五、校長評鑑的程序可分為評鑑規劃、評鑑執行及評鑑結果處理三個主要階段,各階段依據評鑑目的需要包含不同的要項。 六、校長評鑑的週期配合校長的任期,在校長任期屆滿前辦理為宜。 七、校長評鑑的實施方式包含多樣且具體化的方式。 八、校長評鑑結果的運用以協助校長專業成長及改進校務參考為主。 根據研究結果,本研究對主管教育行政機關及相關研究者提出未來進一步研究的建議。 關鍵字:校長評鑑、評鑑項目


校長評鑑 評鑑項目


A Study of Junior High School Principal Evaluation System in Taipei County ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to explore relevant issues concerning the evaluation system of junior high school principal in Taipei county. Such an exploration can serve as a basis for the municipal administrators To conduct evaluation system of the principal in the future. In order to achieve this objective, the study first reviewed and analyzed the domestic and international literature regarding the principal evaluation.These studies include basic concepts, establishment of items, appointment of evaluators, frequency of evaluation, methods of implementation, application of the evaluation finds. A questionnaire survey was designed to look into the viewpoint of the principals, administrators, teachers and parents of junior high school in Taipei county. The questionnaire was distributed to 816 junior high school related subjects, including junior high school principals, teachers, administrators and parents, and the response rate was 89.21% (728 specimans ) . The major procedures of data analysis was quantitative, the formal questionnaire adopted statistical processes like percentage, mean, frequency, t test, analysis of variance, chi-square analysis, and Scheffe’s test. The main conclusions of the study are drawn as follow: 1.The testers generally consider the principal evaluation items and layers are very important. 2.The evaluation items must can respond the authority of principal. 3.The appointment of evaluators for principal evaluation must be diverse. 4.The evaluators are recommended by the specialist groups. 5.The principal evaluation process is composed of three phrases: planning of evaluation, implementing and collecting data, processing datd and generating results. 6.The frequency of principal evaluation must be corresponded to the principal’s term of office, which is once in four years. 7.The methods for principal evaluation must be diverse and concrete. 8. The applications of evaluation result are for improved practices and principals professional growth. Finally, based on the above conclusion, the study provides suggestions of the plan and implementation of principal evaluation system for educational administrative institution and follow-up studies. Keywords:principal evaluation, evaluation item


principal evaluation


