  • 學位論文


A Study of the Need of and the Service Provided for the Visually-Impaired Students

指導教授 : 杞昭安


本研究旨在探討視障學生之需求及視障教育教師所提供之服務。研究者以自編之「視覺障礙學生需求及教師提供服務調查問卷」為研究工具,以台灣全體視障教育教師為對象進行普查。回收有效問卷179份,問卷所得資料以平均數、標準差及次數分配百分比等統計方法進行分析。本研究之重要發現如下: 一、視障學生對各視障教育服務項目之需求量接近「多數需要」程度,視障學生對「評量方面」的需求量最高,對「教學方面」的需求量最低。 二、視障教育教師提供各項服務之頻繁度接近「頻繁」程度;教師提供「個別化教學與個案管理方面」的頻繁度最高,提供「教學方面」的頻繁度最低。 三、視障教育教師因工作環境不同,其提供服務之頻繁度亦有所差異;以視障資源班教師提供服務的頻繁度最高,啟(惠)明學校次之,視障巡迴輔導最低。 四、視障教育教師因服務階段別不同,其提供服務之頻繁度有所差異,以學前視障教育教師所提供頻繁度最高。 五、視障教育教師因特教師資培育背景不同,其提供服務之頻繁度有所差異,以特教系、所畢業之視障教育教師提供服務的頻繁度最高。 六、視障教育教師因服務視障教育年資不同,其提供服務之頻繁度有所差異,11年以上視障教育年資的教師提供視障教育服務頻繁度最高。 七、視障學生對視障教育服務之需求量大於視障教育教師所提供服務之頻繁度。   最後,針對研究結果對教育行政決策單位、現任視障教育教師及未來研究等三方面提出建議。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the need of visually-impaired students and the service provided by the visually-impairment education teachers. A questionnaire was developed to gather information from visually-impairment education teachers, and the effective examples were up to 179 copies. The data was analyzed with mean, standard deviation, percentage, and so on. The results are as follows: 1.The degree of visually-impaired service approach “Mostly need”. The need for measurement is the highest; the need for instruction is the lowest. 2.The degree of service frequency approach “Frequently”. Individualized education and case management are provided the most frequently, while Instruction is provided the least. 3.The service frequency differs with different working environments. Teachers in resource classroom provide the service more than the teachers in School for the Visually Impaired and the itinerant teachers. 4.The service frequency differs with the stages of schooling. The teachers who serve in preschools provide the service more frequently than others. 5.The service frequency differs with the teachers’ prevocational training backgrounds. The teachers who graduated from the department of special education provide the service more frequently than others. 6.The service frequency differs with the length of teachers’ service periods. The teachers who served more than 11 years provide the service more frequently than others. 7.The amount of visually-impaired students’ need is more than the degree of the service frequency provided. Based on the study results, some suggestions are proposed for the further advanced studies.


