  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 詹德基


本研究探究分析中國大陸教練崗位培訓制度的架構與內容、制度建立的方法與步驟,制度的現況與特點以及該制度未來之發展等。所謂教練崗位培訓制度,是指為保證對教練進行有效培訓,以達到提高能力為目的,而需要遵循的各種規則、程序、辦法等形成的體系。教練崗位培訓制度由管理、教學與教務、保障三部分組成,其中管理是一個重要關鍵,教學與教務則是核心,保障則是一種保證,三方面相互關連,缺一不可。 中國大陸自1987年便開始教練崗位培訓制度的探索,經過十多年的發展,中國大陸教練崗位培訓制度體系已經初步形成,並發現若干的成效,本研究資料來源以中國大陸官方所頒布的教練崗位培訓制度之法令規章為主,加以配合海峽兩岸學者對教練崗位培訓制度所發表的相關文獻,採用歷史研究法與文獻分析法進行研究。 研究結果顯示,中國大陸教練崗位培訓制度雖已形成,且以「合格證」為申報任職或晉升之依據,並採用國家撥款為主;集體、個人承擔為輔的多管道資金籌措,形成全國性的培訓網路,但培訓制度還須在汲取各國成功經驗之基礎上不斷改善,且培訓規模與品質尚須提升,培訓的教學,特別是有關教練培訓要注重「能力」培訓的問題,才能逐步形成完善的教學模式,以適應未來發展之需要。




The thesis examines the structure of on-the-job coach training system in China, correlation among its program schedules, characteristics of implementation, methods by which the system is set up, and its future developments. On-the-job coach training system is a program that stipulates various rules, procedures, and regulations required following and ensures to provide coaches with effective training to enhance their talents. On-the-job coach training system consists of management is a critical element, teaching and administration the core element, and protection the guarantee. Three elements are interrelated and cannot work without each of them. On-the-job coach training system in China has begun to work and showed several benefits after decades of research on the system since 1987. The thesis data primarily come from rules and regulations promulgated by China government authorities, accompanied by the related literature published by cross-strait scholars. History research method and literature analysis is used as methodology for this research. This research shows that the system has already been established and used “Eligibility Certificate” as criterion for employment or promotion in the future. Moreover government mainly provides the funds for the system, and group and individual providing the funding as well. But the system is still at the stage of improvement by assimilating success experiences from other nations. Size and quality of the training system remain to be improved. Especially the teaching elements of the system should focus on “talents” training in order to form a more adequate teaching model for adequate teaching model for adapting to future developments.


