  • 學位論文


A Rudimentary Rearch into the Practicability of the Use of Playing Theory and Humor in Design Education

指導教授 : 楊紹裘


摘 要 本研究旨在探討遊戲、幽默感與創造力之間的相關論述,並以文獻理論為基礎,編製發展一套「設計類科學生幽默感量表」以瞭解設計類科學生幽默感現況及其與創造傾向之關連性,進而提出具體建議以供設計教育之參考。 為達上述研究目的,以文獻分析、專家座談及量表施測等方法進行研究。採自編之「設計類科學生幽默感量表」,以台灣北部地區各公私立高級職業學校設計類科學生為母群,並以分層立意取樣抽取360份有效樣本為研究對象。所得資料則採用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、排序、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法,分析歸納後提出下列結論: 一、設計類科學生創造傾向現況 設計類科學生在創造傾向上的表現皆高於一般學生。其中,冒險性與想像力皆達顯著的差異水準;好奇性及挑戰性則未達顯著的差異水準。 二、不同背景變項因素之設計類科學生的幽默感有顯著的差異存在。 2-1 不同學校屬性之設計類科學生在幽默感總層面及幽默理解、幽默創造兩分層面上有顯著的差異,且研究結果顯示:公立學校的表現高於私立學校;而在幽默欣賞、幽默因應兩分層面上則沒有顯著的差異存在。 2-2 不同性別之設計類科學生在幽默欣賞、幽默理解、幽默創造及幽默因應四分層面上有顯著的差異,且研究結果顯示:男生在幽默因應層面的表現高於女生、女生在幽默欣賞、幽默理解、幽默創造三層面的表現均高於男生;而在幽默感總層面上則沒有顯著的差異存在。 2-3 不同學業成績之設計類科學生在各幽默感量表總層面、分層面上皆沒有顯著差異存在。 2-4 不同實習成績之設計類科學生在幽默感總層面、幽默欣賞、幽默理解及幽默創造三分層面上有顯著差異存在,且研究結果顯示:實習成績在90分-80分及80分-70分兩組的學生在幽默欣賞、幽默理解兩層面上的表現高於70分以下的學生;實習成績在90分-80分的學生在幽默創造層面的表現高於70分以下的學生;而在幽默因應分層面上則沒有顯著的差異存在。 三、設計類科學生創造傾向與幽默感之間有顯著的正相關。 3-1 設計類科學生冒險性與幽默感表總層面、幽默欣賞、幽默理解、幽默創造及幽默因應四分層面皆達顯著的正相關。 3-2 設計類科學生好奇性與幽默感總層面、幽默欣賞、幽默理解及幽默創造三分層面皆達顯著的正相關;而在幽默因應分層面則未達顯著相關水準。 3-3 設計類科學生想像力與幽默感表總層面、幽默欣賞、幽默理解、幽默創造及幽默因應四分層面皆達顯著的正相關。 3-4 設計類科學生挑戰性與幽默感表總層面、幽默欣賞、幽默理解、幽默創造及幽默因應四分層面皆達顯著的正相關。 四、透過相關文獻分析及設計類科學生創造傾向與其幽默感呈高度正相關之實證結果支持,顯示富於幽默感、遊戲性的學習或教學方式以激發設計類科學生創造力的概念應用於設計教育是可行的。 最後,本研究對上述研究結果加以討論之外,並綜合歸納研究結論,針對設計教育面及後續研究上的建議,以供參考。 關鍵詞:遊戲、幽默感、創造傾向、設計教育


遊獻 幽默感 創造傾向 設計教育


A Rudimentary Rearch into the Practicability of the Use of Playing Theory and Humor in Design Education Sher-Her Sun. Abstract The main purpose of this research was to investigate the relationships and discussion among playing theory, sense of humor, and creativity. Based on documentary theory and developed “ The measuring test of humor in design shop” was to understand the correlation between the humor and creativity. After that, outcomes were analyzed and provided suggestions were used as reference for Design Education and the further study. In order to achieve the goal, this research was done by using documentary analysis, expert meeting and measuring tests. The instruments used were “The measuring test of humor in design shop” and “ William measuring test”. The samples consisted of 360 third grade students from the government and the private vocational high school in northern region of Taiwan. All collected data were analyzed by statistical methods such as Frequencies, Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, Ranking, Independent sample t-test, One sample t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe posterior comparison, and Pearson product moment correlation. The main outcomes of this study were described as followings: A. Creative tendency of design shop students The design shop student’s performance of creative tendency is generally better than the average student. The adventurous nature and imagination demonstrate significant standard difference while curiosity and nature of accepting challenges do not B. There is distinct difference in the amount of the sense of humor test among the students from different background in design shop. B-1. There is distinct difference in the amount of sense of humor test between the students from the government and the private vocational high school. B-2. There is distinct difference in the amount of sense of humor test between the male and the female. B-3. There is no distinct difference among the students with different academic performance. B-4. There is distinct difference in amount of sense of humor test among the students with practical training performance. C. There is distinct positive relationship between sense of humor and creativity. C-1. There is distinct positive relationship between sense of humor and adventure. C-2. There is distinct positive relationship between sense of humor and curiosity. C-3. There is distinct positive relationship between sense of humor and imagination. C-4. There is distinct positive relationship between sense of humor and aggression. D. Adapting concepts of the playing theory and creating the sense of humor in teaching atmosphere are applicably. Finally, this research did not only discuss the outcomes. From the research above the outcomes were analyzed and provided suggestions as reference for Design Education and the further study. Keyword : play, humor, creativity, Design Education.


Play Humor Creativity Design Education


Allen, L. & Zigler, E.(1986). Humor in children : A nonverbal humor test. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 7, 267-276.


